Friday, 1 November 2024

Medicine Giving Way To Groupthink Is Indeed A Tragedy, George…

...funny how I never heard a peep out of you when all the psychiatrists decided that if you felt like a memnber of the opposite sex. you were right, and this was a mistake to be corrected. Or when all those doctors who'd previously said masks were ineffective for covid suddenly about-faced and swore blind they were our only hope.
...the story spread so widely by the media – that ME/CFS patients were irrationally refusing treatment and abusing those who offered it – stuck, in the NHS and beyond. Medicine gave way to groupthink.
Here are some things that should not need stating. Scientists and those who champion them should never close ranks against empirical challenge and criticism. They should not deny requests for data, should not shore up disproven claims, should not circle the wagons against legitimate public challenge. Above all, those who suffer the most should be listened to the most.

I also seem to recall you're rather keen on climatologists closing ranks against empirical challenge and critiscism. 

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

They Heard Hoofbeats And Thought ‘Horses’

That's not so strange, is it?
Police officers urged paramedics and firefighters to treat the second novichok incident in 2018 as a drug overdose despite warnings from the ambulance and fire services that it had similarities to the first poisoning four months earlier in Salisbury, a public inquiry has heard.
The fact the victim was known to the police as a junkie helped, no doubt.
The inquiry heard that Rowley had a number of convictions for possession of class A and class C drugs and, as a result, a Wiltshire police inspector concluded his symptoms were most likely drug-related – a judgment that led to Wiltshire police officers entering Rowley’s contaminated flat. The ambulance service spoke to an inspector with the Wiltshire police, O’Connor said. “Based on the intelligence, [he] formed the opinion that this incident was most likely owing to drugs,” O’Connor told the inquiry. “He noted the apparent nervousness of the other emergency services, but remained of the opinion that this was drug-related and was to be treated as such.”
Wiltshire police’s deputy chief constable, Paul Mills, told the inquiry: “The police officers were overly confident. I don’t believe it was wrong for them to have a hypothesis, based on the recent intelligence that they were aware of through the lens of the police service in Wiltshire, that this potentially could have been a drugs-related incident.”

No-one would. Even knowing the details of the other case, what's most likely, exotic Russian assassins targeting the local junkie, or overdose? Who wouldn't make the same calculation? 

Nor was he the only one to screw up, although this mistake actually helped...  

It was also revealed to the inquiry that Skripal’s life may have been saved because he was mistakenly given atropine, a drug used for organophosphate poisoning. Wayne Darch, the deputy director of operations at the South Western ambulance service NHS foundation trust, told the inquiry that paramedics at the scene had misdiagnosed Skripal and his daughter Yulia’s symptoms as an opiate overdose. O’Connor said: “Atropine was in fact administered to Sergei Skripal by one of the ambulance staff present by accident. He intended to give the administration of naloxone but picked up the wrong bottle and in fact gave him atropine. “We will hear from Mr Faulkner, the expert, that that would have clearly helped Mr Skripal and may have even saved his life.”

This must surely be the only time an error has had a good outcome in the history of the NHS. 

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Reform honcho shoots self in foot

The issue is whether he’s also taken Reform with him …

This bizarre, pointed reaction of disdain by the Reform UK Party deputy leader, Richard Tice, to supporters of Tommy Robinson is creating waves of outrage as of Sunday night on social media.

A reminder that a huge demonstration/march in London took place on Saturday, which missed Robinson because he had been arrested beforehand. There is now significant reaction against Tice, which is an understatement.

From extended video commentary led by Paul Thorpe, there is reaction against Farage, too, who has also distanced himself from Robinson historically. Their reaction is very class-based, for cause. The Tommy Robinson Effect? In this video, Thorpe is calling for Ben Habib; UKIP could pick up more support as a byproduct. Andrew Bridgen gets honorable mentions.

This on X:

There were, of course, those urging us to forgive Tice.  I for one see him as hampering Reform as the party amalgamating the unherdable cats not globopsycho Wokerati.  Tice … look at that Saturday rally, man … just look at it.

“That lot”?

You know whom Tice reminds me of?  Jenrick.  All about power, jolly japes in parliament, part of the club. If Nigel wishes to stay relevant, he needs to get a grip.  TR is symbolic … in one sense better as the wronged martyr … Saturday was enhanced by the goings-on.

Yes, I’m aware of the other side of the question … whom TR is beholden to … it’s a real question but I’d suggest not as relevant just now as the martyrdom is … and Reform need to understand that.

Monday, 28 October 2024

What A Hero You Are, Adam!

“Civilisation is going to pieces … if we don’t look out the white race will be – will be utterly submerged. It’s all scientific stuff; it’s been proved.” Sentiments like this will be familiar to those who lurk in the less wholesome corners of the internet, where racism and other bigotries flourish. As a geneticist who specialises in racism and eugenics, I lurk so that you don’t have to.
Oh Adam, truly, you exemplify the saying 'Not all heroes wear capes'! In your own mind, that is.
What we are witnessing is a coordinated renaissance in eugenics and race science. One of these new race scientists, Emil Kirkegaard, leads a group that claims to have access to the sensitive health information of half a million British volunteers. Kirkegaard wrote on his blog in July that “Africans are prone to violence everywhere”.

And you find that remarkable, Adam? Do you live in a cave? 

It can feel strange to discuss something as anachronistic and outdated as race science. Most right-minded people occupy a world in which the idea of genetic superiority between races is disproven and disturbing.

'Most right minded people' = 'everyone who agrees with me' I suppose? 

Does that mean race is a biologically meaningful definition? It does not. Race as we currently use it is a socially constructed idea, but one with biologically meaningful consequences, such as in healthcare where many disease outcomes are significantly worse for racial minorities.The impact of disease correlates significantly with socioeconomic factors, primarily poverty, and in our society racial minorities are mostly in lower social strata. Black and brown people endure worse medical outcomes not because they are black or brown, but because of this fact.

Tim Worstall easily refutes this nonsense.  

In The Great Gatsby, Tom Buchanan ends his racist rant with a call to arms, one that echoes in our present: “It’s up to us who are the dominant race to watch out or these other races will have control of things.” Just as it was then, the current renaissance of eugenics and race science is nothing more than bigotry dressed up as biology.

Take a look around you, Adam. And note which races are doing things with impunity and recalculate your balance of power. 

Saturday, 26 October 2024


 The Last Refuge has the interview:

Had a quick look through the interview … thing which came through to me was that it helps if the leader or the person you want achieving something has this element in the head of “couldn’t care less nutter”.

You remember the Sherlock Holmes eccentricity and someone said thank goodness he fights for good (as we might define it in eternal terms) … it does need that sort of person … today they might call it sigma … he’s flawed, too human in a way … that’s true.

So while there’s a screw loose, as Trump describes Bolton … it’s a case of what fruits result from that tree … look at Bolton … wars … Mattis, Kelly M.I.C. … there’s something necessary in having someone who’s eccentric and unpredictable … G Gordon Liddy was that but he was also willing to do highly dangerous things for the “gung ho”.

The ones you want are that ledger balance being for “good” … also usually hard workers, two speeds, stop and go … quite the untrusting loner … such that the observer (you, me), in order to decide on him, must look at the track record overall, how positions developed and why … esp. what his bottom lines are, his red lines? That’s where the confidence comes from in the observer … or not.

Many times I’ve written that in the final analysis, we’re only our track record and our positions on this policy or that. The Jewish-Arab thing is a perfect case .. what if your chief loyalty, after God, is your own country? So you judge behaviour according to eternal verities first, then to what’s best for your nation, your area, your family, friends, ultimately you … but not if it destroys other “good” people … everything’s a balance of positions developed over decades.

Friday, 25 October 2024

The Government ‘Helping’ Businesses Again…

You can see them on the specials boards of new restaurants and on chalkboards propped outside bars and pubs. Foodie TikTokers are eating them by the dozen. Healthy, available for £1 and even good for the environment, oysters are experiencing a boom in popularity.

Great, right? Yes, indeed. But always remember Ronnie's nine most terrifying words in the English language... 

But the UK industry is being hampered by a row over the farming of different species, with producers saying they are struggling to expand to meet demand. Brexit has also affected the UK shellfish industry by restricting imports and exports. David Jarrad, chief executive of the Shellfish Association of Great Britain, said: “Government policy is trying to drive [the industry] into the ground … this coming year, it’s unlikely that farms will be able to restock.

And why? 

...he warned that today’s oyster renaissance may be short-lived if policy doesn’t change, with the government’s priorities focused on rehabilitating native reefs while farmers are tied up in red tape.
Regulations can restrict farm expansion unless farmers use triploid Pacific oysters, which are sterile and unable to reproduce, if they pose a risk to protected marine sites. They also prohibit new oyster farms north of 52 degrees latitude – around Ipswich – to prevent Pacifics spreading in the wild where they don’t already live.

We are, apparently, attempting to prevent a delicious food source from proliferating around our waters. We truly don't deserve to survive.  

However, when Pacific oysters were introduced to UK waters in the 1960s, it was under the mistaken belief that they couldn’t reproduce due to cool temperatures. Warming waters caused by climate change have resulted in oyster larvae escaping farms through waterways and colonising coastal habitats. This has particularly been a problem in Devon and Cornwall, where 150,000 oysters were culled to control feral oyster reefs obstructing mud flats, creating problems for fish and bird species.

Yes, the government, the one that bleats constantly about the need for the public to have cheap, nutritious non-junk food available, wasted 150,000 perfectly edible oysters to protect non-edible fish, birds and shellfish.

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Ain’t that the truth?

No … no it ain’t … and Harris, queen of lies … embodies the charge of untruths and word salads. Back to truths further down.  Meanwhile …

Our one and only lady from the Deep South at our site across the way (there’s one Yorkshire lass as well) sent a clip of the Andy Griffith Show and as one commenter mentioned … shows in those days taught homespun values of personal morality and family, no matter whether the actors and actresses measured up to the ideals in real life. 

That show comes off not badly under today’s microscope. They were also still the values we had imparted to us and which stuck with us, whatever we ended up doing. So it was a huge pity, when I clicked on another vlog about who “hated” whom in that show … yep, clickbait does get us in, esp. when our job today is ferreting for the lowdown on subjects … to find that the front image (they call it a thumbnail) bore little relation to the content inside … misleading advertising.

Causing these comments below (there were plenty more):

To me, there’s a fundamental difference between being a naughty lad or lass, knowing he/she is doing wrong … that’s immorality … and someone totally unaware of right and wrong in the first place … poor parenting, poor, Woke left schooling … that’s amorality.  I, we, were the former, we knew right from wrong … we were just a bit naughty.

Not so the way these youtubes are being made, minus scrutiny … interesting that YT comes down like a ton of bricks on people using music and film excerpts, even as fair use … and if it’s DJT? Well often it’s just blocked … yet they’ll allow any defamation at all, plus outright lies as clickbait to get you in … and YT just lets that type of content through without murmur.

Some of the worst are youtubes which number … 7 things you need to know about, what were the 5 things which … n3 is controversial!  Plus why X always “hated” Y … either it does not appear at all or it’s something far less than the thumbnail made out.

The saddest part is us, ourselves … many of us still click on these things … if we didn’t, they’d drop them soon enough.  Similarly, if we keep voting in bad govts, low quality politicians … but that’s beyond this post to cover.

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Electing A Labour Government Has Consequences…

Britain’s only specialist respite holiday provider for severely disabled people and their carers is to close because of financial difficulties, in what has been called a bellwether example of the UK’s growing social care crisis.

The Tories didn’t kill it, but the prospect of a Starmergeddon has. 

Revitalise, a charity that runs unique state-of-the-art respite stays, offering 24-hour care at two specially adapted hotels, said local authority cuts, combined with increased running costs and a fall in donations, meant it was no longer viable.
The 60-year-old charity, which has a number of high-profile supporters, including Samantha Cameron, Dame Esther Rantzen, and Dame Judi Dench, said the financial challenges it faced were “insurmountable”.
Good luck pinning this on 'the Tories', Rachel! Now you're the one in the hot seat, things are going to be your responsibility

One can only steel oneself for what next Wednesday will bring from this most wretched of governments...