Saturday 26 October 2024


 The Last Refuge has the interview:

Had a quick look through the interview … thing which came through to me was that it helps if the leader or the person you want achieving something has this element in the head of “couldn’t care less nutter”.

You remember the Sherlock Holmes eccentricity and someone said thank goodness he fights for good (as we might define it in eternal terms) … it does need that sort of person … today they might call it sigma … he’s flawed, too human in a way … that’s true.

So while there’s a screw loose, as Trump describes Bolton … it’s a case of what fruits result from that tree … look at Bolton … wars … Mattis, Kelly M.I.C. … there’s something necessary in having someone who’s eccentric and unpredictable … G Gordon Liddy was that but he was also willing to do highly dangerous things for the “gung ho”.

The ones you want are that ledger balance being for “good” … also usually hard workers, two speeds, stop and go … quite the untrusting loner … such that the observer (you, me), in order to decide on him, must look at the track record overall, how positions developed and why … esp. what his bottom lines are, his red lines? That’s where the confidence comes from in the observer … or not.

Many times I’ve written that in the final analysis, we’re only our track record and our positions on this policy or that. The Jewish-Arab thing is a perfect case .. what if your chief loyalty, after God, is your own country? So you judge behaviour according to eternal verities first, then to what’s best for your nation, your area, your family, friends, ultimately you … but not if it destroys other “good” people … everything’s a balance of positions developed over decades.

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