It does seem to me that there are some quite fundamental things missing from this account from a lady in a “quiet market town”:
At 5pm today in the middle of the local train station, my 14 year old brother was robbed by an Asian man with a goatee beard in his mid 20s. He was made to take off his jumper and his shoes and give him £25 out of his pocket and also took his earphones and his phone. Not one person helped him. This happened in broad daylight light infront of people and he had to walk an hour home upset with no way to get hold of people until he was back. I’m utterly ashamed of my community and really incredibly shocked at how you could be so cruel to not even make a call for him afterwards.
Where do we even start? Well, we could start with no father in the home worth his salt and a boy growing up a feminised victim of a matriarchal society. Back in the day, as they say, we also had female teachers, esp. in primary school, fairly conservative in nature … the radical marxist women were in secondary school.
Going further, the women supported, even pushed the men to be men and the boys to be men … boys were a bit like the Baker Street Irregulars … we knew where things were around town, our bikes our primary getaway device.
Today, we have the result of feminisation of both girls and boys … the girls are taught to blame white males for everything etc. etc. but the thing I notice most is that we’re not just in a marxist, matriarchal state where no one can do anything at all for fear of OTT punishment … but there’s a patriarchal streak through all of this … the Starmer streak, happy to order young men to head for a Ukrainian meatgrinder whilst leaving our women undefended against the hordes of illegal crims such as the one mentioned above. The patriarchal reaction is blunt force, violence.
These are not strong people in the least … they’re twisted. The whole thing is twisted and skewed … what boy, many decades ago, would not have had his fight or flight auto-reaction sorted … hell, we were fighting most of our leisure time, honing a certain bog standard toughness. This creep she refers to in the quote … whaaaa? Lightyears from what should have happened, starting with a kick to the attacker’s goolies and temples, if necessary, eyes.
Are boys not taught anything about survival by fathers these days? The notion of not even being aware, not avoiding trouble spots, having no peripheral vision, being some sort of weak Eloi … my whole nature militates against it. I’m talking about now by the way, at this age, not “back in the day”. What is it with boys today? What I see is boys with faces hidden or in drag or trying to be girls … quite vicious and whiny … but no manliness.
I really don’t mean gung-ho Bear Grills … I mean simply not being a quivering blancmange. As for feminazis, this is just one reaction below to the whole softbellied harpiness going on and I’m saying upfront that males are a whole mess in themselves today … but this video is but one woman, addressing women … just one part of the horror jigsaw:
After that, we start looking at the State and its policies, leftist judges in family law courts, the MSM, entertainment today where young females are portrayed in a Gal Gadot way, whilst in reality being mental messes … while males are portrayed as wimps, sleazes or bullies, often klutzes … which is becoming increasingly so imho.
That lady with that quote at the top is not out of order expecting some sort of protection for her boy or bro … she’s a woman, society which does not protect its girls is about to be overrun … Sammy Woodhouse, survivor of “Asian” rape gangs:
If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years as an activist, it’s that not many people actually care about victims and survivors of abuse. They care about politics. Everything is about politics. Victims and survivors are never at the forefront.
How did those monsters get away with it? Because Brit society was complicit, looked the other way or else joined in … plod, social workers, judiciary, the MSM would not touch it … and people’s reactions are learned over time.
But we have to go back further … if an underage girl is set upon in a park at 5 a.m. … what the hell was she even doing in a park at that time anyway?
Which comes straight back to parenting, no?
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