Thursday, 13 March 2025

This is a straight out hit job with an agenda

It doesn't take too much brainpower in those not indoctrinated by the MSM to realise that this is the position:

Nice to see some of the "younger set" getting this, as well as what naturally flows from that ... ditching ruinous schemes such as placing huge numbers of invaders in every city, town and village at taxpayer expense, with consequent pressure on taxes, utility prices etc. etc. etc.

It just stands out starkly ... it's not the elephant in the room ... it IS the bleedin' room and everything in it.

Right ... so ... just as MAGA across the pond actually managed to get somewhere but in Europe, the communist stranglehold is a deathchoke on the ordinary indigenous of each country and the UK is going full communist right before our eyes ... whilst all that is happening, whilst the ordinary folk are organising at council level ... at grassroots level ... suddenly the "brass at the top" break out in internecine fighting ... what the actual F is all this?

UKJon is a typical Reform type at grassroots level and has just Xed about being p**ed off by two men at the top "squabbling" ... whoa, this is no way Rupert versus Nigel only, Jon ... this is a hatchet job by forces controlling this Yusuf, who controls this Nigel, just as the Uniparty is controlled.

Lowe saw this snd admittedly goaded those forces in and behind parlmt by becoming far more forceful in pushing the very concerns of the ordinary person ... and predictably, a low hit was arranged on Mr. Lowe.

That's the reality I'm afraid and yet I was just as "oil on troubled waters" at first as UKJon is, until I went down rabbit holes, as did our boys over at our place and all sorts of things emerged, for example:

“Why Is Reform Party UK A Limited Company?”

So many have come out with more on X about this Yusuf character and then this morning, at Kathy's place, was THIS.  Some excerpts:

Some believe our chair was expelled ‘to protect Yusuf’. Reform UK chairman Zia Yusuf had appeared on the BBC’s Question Time on January 30 alongside Bexhill’s new Tory MP, Dr Kieran Mullen. In a segment on diversity and inclusion, Mullen took the opportunity to discredit our Reform candidate against whom he had run in the July 2024 election. 

Mullen cited, out of context, two comments posted some years ago on UnHerd. These had been raked up by BBC offence archaeologists and our candidate had already apologised for them. While Mullen came prepared, Yusuf did not. Instead of attacking his Tory foe, he went straight into defence mode and unintentionally skewered our successful Reform candidate and hardworking chair.

Yusuf could have laughed and said that despite the BBC’s best efforts it hadn’t stopped his candidate from decimating Mullen’s vote and threatening his win. He might also have attacked Mullen and his woke party for being more concerned about hate crime than real crime. Or that if an apology was not good enough for Mullen, tough, it was good enough for him.  

But no. Yusuf accepted his attacker’s terms and replied defensively that the candidate had been ‘stood down’. Mullen hit back, saying he had not. To which Yusuf hung our chair out to dry, stating that ‘such candidates will never again be allowed to stand for the party’.

Going for the kill the BBC, who had carefully chosen their Question Time line-up, posted the clip of this ‘gotcha’ moment on X

About a month later we were told that our chair had unexpectedly stepped down. Now it looks as if this is not an isolated phenomenon. I’ve had similar reports from elsewhere in the South East, and I keep getting sent this post saying Stafford’s local branch is closing down.

If you really can't see what's going down here, at all levels of the party, inc. the grassroots, then either you're blind or wilfully blind or smirking ... it's going swimmingly for globopsycho Uniparty and their chosen DJT ... the reconstituted and remodelled Jenrick who suddenly, after years of inaction, becomes the champion of the little people, in lieu of Farage and The Five.

One of the most wrongheaded conclusions is that there are two sides to every conflict ... there certainly are in many conflcts ... but then there are conflicts where there was a clearly planned hit job on the very advances which caused govt to cancel elections and on the Continent ... to cause national govt puppets under the EU yoke to revoke elections, or ban certain parties winning first round votes etc. etc.

I mean, there's no accident to any of this.  And some reactions to it, including my own initial comment, reminds me of Python's Holy Grail where the father of the bride looked out over Lancelot's hit job, the pogrom, and commanded: "Let's not bicker over who killed who, this is meant be a happy occasion."

Except this is not a Flying Circus or ... oops ... hmmmm ... I wonder. 🤔

Which leaves us with the same old same old question ... is there any way around their diabolical power keeping? END.

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