Sunday, 16 March 2025

The Woke ruination of living

Consider, please:

Ditto with Woke ads, e.g. for M&S. Any clothing ads always have either black man, white woman or both … ditto with my bank … sometimes they use a happy black couple … Cheshire Oaks uses Chinese girls.

Quite simply, not enough boycott these things and even if we did, in large numbers, there are sufficient numbers of stoopid left liberals to allow such travesties to continue.


  1. there are sufficient numbers of stoopid left liberals

    Not true. There are plenty but not enough to keep this going. What there is though is there are sufficient numbers of stoopid sheep that don't pay attention to anything. They are paving the way for their own kids and grandkids, some still not born yet, to be slaves in our country.

  2. We need to call out the left and left-think as the evil abominations they really are.
    Condemning your female descendants to a life as a second-class citizen just to make you look virtuous at the dinner table? - Evil.
    Failing to promote the country that gave you some of the best opportunities for longevity and life outcomes? - Evil.
    Failing to maintain the freedoms that took centuries of sacrifice to attain? - Evil.
    Woke ideology is outright Evil and needs to be called out wherever it crops up. It is Marxist and should be identified as such at every turn, because I'm damn sure the people promoting it don't realise what they are preaching is effectively Communism lite.


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