Right off the bat, I can say that this girl is one of the last you’d draft to meet the deathcult army ready to slaughter the defenceless. However much gym she does, it would still be a knife through butter. Ditto every Woke soyboy, almost all girls, certainly the elderly, of course we must add adolescent and younger children to that, plus any importees from other countries … any Woke left of fighting age, male or female … it goes on … almost no use in a real fight, in house to house combat.
It takes Alex from Oz, I think, to lay it out:
Who then would be of use, if trained? Well obviously our armed forces … what is it … ten thousand battle ready, to face their ten million or so? But what has the Llama Harmer just announced? The cream of our forces is to go off to a charnel house thousands of miles away … not to be here on our soil when the word goes out to the deathcult to attack.
Who’d be still here, of realistic fighting potential? Non forces men, e.g. football lads … some clerks and similar, some businessmen of the younger sort. Doesn’t look good, does it? America? Don’t forget Bondi is trying to remove guns from people, quite contrary to 2A. Plus the Donald has gone Monroe Doctrine.
We’re on our own, mateys … with a Dad’s Army and some planes.
Leilani’s not wrong about flagwaving, demonstrations, candles, kumbaya … what does it achieve? Even the powerful farmers … how have they changed the monster Starmer? Not in the bleedin’ least. Agenda.
Why is the middle class and skilled working not removing Starmer?
No legal mechanism, is there? The moment they leave their jobs, the homes they’re trying to keep afloat, and try … ten years in the slammer or worse.
So, there must come a time, must there not?
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