Thursday, 6 March 2025

Bend over, laddy, and take what’s coming

Rolf at Now and Next provides a wunnerful service in that he actually looks at PMQ and analyses it, something which is the last thing I’d do mesel’ … so here it is:


Right … moving along … Donny has provided the Uniparty, according to Rolf, with some form of reconciliation, pretending they’re all chums and clubby again … obviously at the expense of the indefensible Rupert … but even Lee and he were quiet on Donny’s antics across the pond.

What a convenient bete noire Donny became for the Uniparty, yes? The notion that this lot, plus Macaroni and his nukes keeping Europe “safe”, are in some sense chums for the good of Britland … we supposedly saved America’s hide in WW2 … well sorry … this is the lowest form of disingenuity and charlatanism I’ve seen in a long, long while!

No, I do not forgive and forget as the agenda is genocidal, sorry and it needs to end asap, one way or the other. I suspect many across the land feel the same but at the same time, what must be fake polls are being pumped out, esp. on X and on the MSM, showing Labour has gallantly clawed its way back into the “lead” by a widening margin and even the Tories are threatening Reform’s “previous” dominance.

Now … what if it were actually the case that today’s sunshine, the warmer temps, TDS and the spirit of British forgiveness no matter what Them are doing to you … pure public school “take your beating, laddy, and be thankful, ra ra ra” (see Tomkinson’s Schooldays in the Ripping Yarns series) … what if that’s how the Great British Unwashed really are thinking just now?

Mustn’t grumble, eh? We had worse during the Blitz … anyway, those yanks were late for the wars anyway, wot? The theme was also played out in Terry Gilliam’s Brazil.

As another Rupert Lowe, I ask just what, of the things Sir Charisma Bypass (TM IYE) is doing and has planned to do to the plebs … just which of those fall into the “forgive and forget” category, ra ra ra?

For if there is anything whatever to the fake polls, what a sorry state of affairs … bend over, laddy and take what’s coming to you from your betters above. You can always tell if they’re The Betters as they’re the ones turning parliamentary salaries into seven figure value by some miracle, who fly on endless Lindsay Hoyle jollies to the Bahamas etc. … 

George Carlin said it was a big club, and you’re not in it … I’d say it’s a small, exclusive club … excluding those not willing to sell their souls and trample over the indigenous of the sceptred isles.

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