Tuesday, 4 February 2025

The pig ignorance or mendacity of Sanders

A dear friend called Ubermouth who, sadly, is Woke left through and through sent me some Bernie Sanders posts … this being the Bernie called out by RFK Jnr. for the grubby kickbacks, just as with AOC, Pelosi etc. etc.

Obviously I was not going to do that but I was still able to get to some of his input such as:

This is where his either blinkered reality, shutting out completely what did happen and only posting visuals of a situation … or else his selective reality … which is far more dishonest, mendacious … cuts in. He takes a generality, a feelgood about the brave firemen … and they are … in other words “we the Woke” care so much for trees and little birds and firemen … oh, we’re so soft and gentle left libs … and he uses it to skew the whole situation.

Those bloody Woke, non-comp globopsychos like Newsom and the LA mayor, not only were party to the diverting of water straight to ocean, not to SoCal, that there was no water in the hydrants for those firemen … which is quite simply wicked. It took Trump to blast through and force the sending of water south … and is Sanders thankful?

Now, step by step here. “Media” … meaning the MSM?  Think we’ve written enough on the bloody MSM for years now.

“Curtailing dissent”?  Think Biden admin, FEMA, Starmer over here.

Sued for comments offending him? How about for defamation and lies.

Offended him?  What like being shot at, threatened with incarceration for spilling the beans as DOGE are now doing? For Russiagate?

And of course the cherrypicked verses to support Wokery. I do have thoughts about Trump further down the track, being not as fanboi as some other nonWokeristi but Revelation is by no means cut and dry in its application to events in our time … Obama as antiChrist? Maybe but it’s unclear.

Just coming back to “democracy is non-negotiable” … what, like incarcerating J6ers invited in by Ray Epps and then the Capitol officers opening the sidedoor?  Coz there was no way any of them were getting in any other way … it was Fort Knox.

What, like stealing the 2020 after counting stopped and masses of ballots were suddenly discovered and trucked in, when the dom machines started flipping votes, when those machines were internet connected?  That sort of “democracy”?  Dead people universally voting Demrat?  That sort of “democracy”?

Let alone the US being a Republic, not a Democracy in official terms.

Bernie Sanders is being one of two things … either pig ignorant  … or mendacious … which?


  1. From an NPR article on the California widlfires: "Southern California has plenty of water stored, said Mark Gold, the water scarcity solutions director at the Natural Resources Defense Council and a Southern California Metropolitan Water District board member.

    The local water shortages happened because the city’s infrastructure wasn’t designed to respond to a fire as large as the one that broke out in the Palisades and elsewhere, experts said."

  2. Jesus tells us that there will be many anti-Christs. So bathhouse Barry is probably one of them. But he's not THE anti-Christ, the one who will come at the start of the Tribulation. I think Judas Starmer is an anti-Christ too, but he's not alone in that.
    What I have to constantly remind myself of is that we live in a world ruled by Satan and wickedness is pervasive and unrelenting. It won't end until Jesus returns and it's going to get a lot worse before He returns.

  3. Anon @ 12.58,
    Starmer may be an anti-Christ, but I wonder why you refer to him as a Judas?
    As I understand it, the destiny of Jesus was to die and return, showing that (what became) Christianity led to everlasting life. For this to happen, the Roman authorities had to be told where he was, and to be identified. Perhaps Judas loved Jesus so much that he made a personal ultimate sacrifice to do just that. After all, wasn't it written that Jesus reminded Judas that he had somewhere to go, so was it pre-planned between them? The family lineage still is very important to Jewish people and Judas knew that his would end with him, as no woman would willingly marry the man who was seen to betray Jesus. Unlike Peter, who denied three times knowing Jesus, perhaps Judas made his connection known, in order to fulfil that destiny. Just a thought.


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