There are also three regular middle-east and Uke reviewers HERE with vlogs (scroll down).
Ok … what to make of it? Nethanyahu lost much face during the hostage release (sausages in Starmer-speak) … he crucially lost that with his people, inc. the switching off of the “iron dome” on Oct 6.
My own particular stance is that he has much to answer for, the Khazar, although I’m not anti-Jewish people per se, nor Palestinian people, nor our people, nor French, Germans Americans … the ordinary peoples are my, and I suspect your, primary concern, particularly within our own land.
Right, back to this Gaza Riviera thing … I put a post up at Unherdables about it, how it could be done, ignoring of course the Arabs going ballistic, predictably. There was talk of MAGA horrified that bleedin’ Hamas Palestinians were going to be dumped on Europe … Trump quickly moved to say he means surroubding Arab states … he knows of course they don’t want a bar of those people.
There’s history in this … they are from where the Philistines invaded millennia sgo, not specifically semitic, a mix in other words. Also, as one headline four decades ago put it … where children are fed hate with their breakfast … hatred of the Jew and offshoots of Judaism, e.g. Christianity.
Into this comes the Khazar/Ashkenazi question concerning the population of Israel … there’s Babylonian/Assyrian in that mix too. It’s a mess. Diaspora?
Long story short … no way known are Egypt, Jordan, Iran going to brook Gazans being dumped on them, nor are they going to wear a Gaza Riviera … to my mind, Trump was flying kites, watching the fallout globally, seeing how it all sat.
There’s a further worrying factor but it’s not OoL material … too far out there … I’ll run that over st our place. To my mind, the Arabs will continue to ensure Gaza remains the loo of the middle-east.
Who is going to be given the re-building project? Kushner or the Trump Organization going to benefit? There were enough dodgy deals with the head of the last administration. This one is starting to smell a little off too. Kushner was accused a few months ago of having his eye on the potential of turning Gaza into a prime resort but of course he denied it. It looks like a land grab was always the motivation behind the connived 'unrest' in that area.