Thursday, 20 February 2025

In praise of Rolf Norfolk, a voice of reason

Bless Sackerson or Rolf Norfolk, such a gentle-man of the old school.  Bless his heart because at first I thought he was excusing Llama-Harmer’s behaviour, that destructive tenacity to hold onto a society-wrecking plan … and not just our society either, just quietly.

Starmer is a wrecking ball, as DJT himself is … one’s been given his instructions by the Frankfurt School, WEF or whatever, the other also has a grand plan, which does wreck the schemes of the corrupt and unfortunately, all those who fell in with them but might also involve much unintended collateral at home along the way … you know the old adage about omelettes and eggs.

Rolf is of the old “big tent” style who tries to come to terms with difficult types … I’m more a brick wall or wrecking ball type … with a bit of Rolf’s compassion for the worthy.  Anyway, it was clear as I went on that he was not excusing Starmer, he was explaining him:

They do have emotions - often they get on well with animals, who are not so tricky. But for them human social intercourse can be like a tourist trying to speak Greek and their rhythm of responses is halting. As a result they can be misunderstood as impassive, unfeeling. Dan Hodges in the MoS reports a senior government official as saying Starmer is ‘a very strange man. There's no empathy there. You try to talk him through the implications of what he's proposing and he goes blank.

Asperger’s types can be very intelligent but faced with a largely social world that is unpredictable and sometimes frightening or painful they may turn to a model that they can understand and control; not just computer games but - if they have sufficient power - grand schemes with niches for everyone else. In reality the model is bound to be inadequate and the Aspie will be intolerant of ‘square pegs,’ as Adam Smith noted in 1759:

‘The man of system… is apt to be very wise in his own conceit; and is often so enamoured with the supposed beauty of his own ideal plan of government, that he cannot suffer the smallest deviation from any part of it.’”

I’d say Rolf is not wrong in his analysis here … as a former prep school head, one did not last long without at least being nimble on one’s feet and understanding root causes … but at the same time, there were red lines and the recidivist found a ton of bricks descending where once there had been terse questioning, followed by stern warning and finally the ton of bricks. Some can’t do the ton of bricks bit but occasionally … well often really … it’s necessary.

What’s to come out of the turmoil across the pond, apart from civil war?  Well, there is already civil war brought on by the wreckers from the Lincoln School and Wundt more than a century ago, plus from the Frankfurt School luminaries, Starmer-type destruction simplified into feelgood ideology to bludgeon the middle-class type into submission via the politics of envy.

Yes, there’s already civil war … the MAGA types are simply bringing it to a head … there is stormy weather ahead.  There are two diametrically opposed visions … more than two if the various invaders are included.

I had occasion, in 2007 to 2010, to be most grateful to Rolf Norfolk … I still am.  A good man at heart.

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