Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Will the gas run out or is it just a scare tactic

… not unlike the coming crash they threaten us with in this fiat money economy, where the Carney types can crash markets whenever they wish and when it’s most politically expedient to Davos and the BIS.

Meanwhile, they maniacally pursue the country wrecking net zero, ferociously pursuing it no matter what.

Put that with digital ID, being forced through even now and it’s pretty clear the govt is not our friend, quite the opposite.  The last link in this immediate chain is govt saying the gas will run out by the end of this week, leaving most of the country ready for the new freeze by the end of the week … which will just about soften western Britishers sufficiently for the fighting age invaders to be activated.

Sheer fantasy, any or all of it? 🍿🍿🍿


  1. Liars are liars because they lie. Why anyone who can clearly see the evidence of this still believes in the myth of government as their saviour.

  2. I did wonder how countries end up with Authoritarian regimes, either Fascist or Communist. I'm seeing with my own eyes how it happens. And the simpletons ask for it. Why don't the government do something! They cry, over the latest crisis, or media hot button, not understanding it's the government that can manufacture the crisis in the first place for their own ends..


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