Thursday, 16 January 2025

Getting parties to do as they promised

… or at least not to hide their true intent from voters’ eyes.

To a point, it’s up to voters to wade through manifestos, even within this flawed system. But when there’s prima facie that a criminal gang of incompetents really did hoodwink the suckers (us), then we get into an area where no division of the Uniparty … LibLabConGreen … are going to do anything to ensure electoral integrity. 

There are enough issues with the disappointing Farage who seems to me compromised somehow (might be wrong), whilst lesser members are doing wonderful things … just who truly will reform electoral integrity?


… and so on.


  1. People make promises not parties, not governments.
    People make promises to each other before their god and break them.
    People make promises to their god in silent prayer and break them.

    The entire political theatre is exactly that theatre. Actors, stages, scripts, performances, applause, brickbats and most important of all an audience wanting to be entertained.

  2. I originally gave Farage the benefit of the doubt: the UKIP debacle might have been outside his control. But now I'm looking at Reform and the same thing is happening: Tory MPs joining, then we had the interview where he cast doubts on deporting illegals already here and now Charlie Mullins joining has put me off voting for Reform. Mullins' views on the unvaxxed during Covid showed what sort of person he was. So, I'm now sure that Farage is not in it for the public service, or to save Britain. The dark side of Reform is emerging and I don't like what I see. After the initial surge it will end up UKIP Mk2.

  3. JH: It’s unfortunately starting to look that way.

  4. Farage was inserted to split the right and that is just what he has done.


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