Tuesday, 17 December 2024

It’s that nativity time again

My comment on DAD’s item was:

Grand idea at the naturalisation exam, in French language … explain the Nativity story, whether or not you buy it. Another question is to explain laïcité, whether or not you buy it, also the St Bartholomew’s massacre, whichever side you’re on, also the foreign legion, perhaps Vietnam, Algeria.

And DAD’s item:

This year, again, the installation of a nativity scene in the courtyard of the town hall of Beaucaire, in the Gard, is causing controversy. After the Human Rights League (LDH) filed a legal appeal, the town will have to explain itself on Wednesday, December 18, before the administrative court of Nîmes. “There are citizens who want to be able to go to the town hall, to get a birth certificate, for a public service, and who do not want to have a religion imposed on them, whatever it may be. We are in France, a secular country, with the separation of church and state,” justified the LDH lawyer, Sophie Mazasse, in an interview with France Bleu Gard Lozère.

[What a feeble argument, Sophie, ‘your citizens’ walk in the public square with Christmas lights without worries.]


1 comment:

  1. We've not had Christmas lights for three years. Despite letters of complaints to the maire regarding their sudden absence answers came there none.


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