I mean, he's been in and out of your pages for years, and this is a sudden revelation? I wonder what could have prompted this Damascan turnabout?
Another day, another egotistical meathead who thinks he has what it takes to run a country. Retired MMA star Connor McGregor was poised to make a UFC comeback but has canceled those plans to instead run for president of Ireland in 2025.
Ah. Now it all becomes clear. And this makes it even clearer:
“Ireland, we are at war,” McGregor posted the night before the riots. As rioters descended on Dublin following rumors that a knife attack that left three children hospitalized was committed by an immigrant of Arab descent, McGregor continued to stoke tensions, asserting that “we are not backing down, we are only warming up. We are not losing any more of our women and children to sick and twisted people who should not even be in Ireland in the first place.” In a separate post, he added: “You reap what you sow.”
And the MSM, who's darling you once were, will ensure no-one with the wrong political opinions gets a foot on the ladder.
I suppose the only difference is that an (alleged) criminal was close to bring elected to a government post in Ireland while, in the UK, it's (alleged) covert criminals who do end up in the government.