Sunday 15 September 2024

The communist with the red case

What precisely does he bring to Britain? Afa I can see … sfa.  For example:


  1. Promises made, promises to be broken. Not something to be seen in any party manifesto.

  2. Why does the electorate keep voting for people who hate Britain, or are indifferent to it's demise?
    Starmer, who does not have an original thought in his head, is merely a puppet of the Davos based WEF, doing what he's told by the likes of Soros, Gates, and Blair, who are pursuing their plan to turn this planet into their personal fiefdom. Blair, especially, hates this country with a passion, as Brexit prevented him from becoming President of the EU.
    I doubt that anyone can name a Prime Minister after Margaret Thatcher who, despite her mistakes, worked more to improve the international standing of this country, and the quality of life of it's citizens than those who came after her.
    You have a third rate government, and you end up with a third rate country.

  3. Mr Starmer's morphing: Sucker, Sicker, Stinker, Stasi Starmer.
    The islamic Labour party is an abomination. How on earth have so many useless eaters been chosen to govern us.

  4. And next? Agriculture? Fishing? Why waste all that green and pleasant when it can be covered in imported sheets of some chemicals, which if any other industry used them would be banned, and great whirling, they hope, Mercedes logos, which if any other industry harmed so much wild life on land and in sea, would be also banned.
    Beside China can produce tasty bugs. And once the WEFers can induce their Western puppets to defeat and hand over to them China and the rest who knows what culinary delights those Gain of Function laboratories could produce?


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