Thursday 4 July 2024


Today, of course, is the US July 4th “celebration”, for what it’s worth, with Heels Up about to become Pres. Meanwhile, over here it’s not much better. Yesterday a lady friend posted that she was voting Labour because:

* All the people she’d spoken to were and
* Reform could only talk about immigration.

Uh huh. I ran out of time but was going to ask if she was happy voting for one of the two parties anti women and anti children, one of those with a harbag about to become equalities minister … this is the harbag who supports PIE. And the party pushes this:

It’s possibly too late anyway for this post … most have postally voted … a few of the naive still walk up on the day … hope you can avoid the machetes and raping out of nowhere.

Right … below the line are two voters’ views and I’ll leave it at that, ok?

1 comment:

  1. When I was stationed in West Berlin, I told my American colleagues that the British also celebrate 4th of July, commemorating the occasion we off-loaded one of the Colonies. Americans don't seem to understand British humour.


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