Thursday 25 July 2024

This is one way it might be done

In my stories I wrote, a device used for women in particular to get themselves out of danger was a small gun firing a tranquillizer dart. There’d be obvious issues of how fast acting, whether the dart was retrievable etc. Also, it could be used by bad people on us.

Still, let’s say one existed, non-lethal, then there are a couple of options for officers … if the culprit is armed … gun, machete, knife … then he’s simply taken out by gunshot.

If there’s no obvious weapon but there was a crime in flagrante delicto, the non-lethal dart seems the humane way, esp. criminal twerps like students, brainwashed and egged on by professors. Determine which university and department … arrest the academic involved.


  1. "If there’s no obvious weapon but there was a crime in flagrante delicto, the non-lethal dart seems the humane way......."

    Surely a Taser is exactly the weapon.

    1. I'm quite happy to see lethal force employed.

  2. Expel all muslims from Western countries and anyone who objects/ resists should be expelled alongside the muslims.
    Expelled to where? That's not our problem. If the commies and muslims love each other so much, I'm sure they'll get along fine no matter where they wash up.

  3. Nourishing Obscurity blog seems to have been deleted this a.m.

    Anyone got any info?

    Hope JH is OK


  4. Here we have the same problem that we had with CND back in the 60s, but this time our enemies have learned from the poor performance of funding a few middle class vegetarians who couldn't influence anything. Now we have a concerted attempt to disrupt Western Civilisation by the capture of the establishment. Young people are being brainwashed by educators who are being peer-pressured into it. But where does it come from? These are not Western Values or values that preserve Western Society. Who captured the establishment and the elites, who started the virtue signalling? The Russians may have started it, but I've a feeling the Muslims will be the eventual winners.


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