Monday 22 July 2024

Their What? Are You Sure?

Doctors should use their status as a 'trusted member of the community' to warn patients about the dangers of climate change, health leaders say.
Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, wait, you're serious?
The Royal College of Physicians today issued new guidance that tells doctors to raise the topic during consultations and 'repeat it often'.
That's if you can actually get a consultation....
It calls on doctors to reduce carbon footprints by considering working from home - reducing their already-limited time with patients - and cutting back on prescriptions and tests.
They are also told to look out for people suffering 'eco-distress' - the name given to anxiety and depression caused by climate change.
One commenter, on a forum designed for GPs to share their views, described it as 'virtue signalling' with 'zero danger of any blame for the stuff that might be missed'. Another described the advice as 'no use to anyone and down right dangerous' warning it could possibly end the career of a doctor if they did not carry out a vital test or issue a prescription.
The document bills climate change as 'one of the biggest threats to human health' and stresses it will 'undoubtedly cause significant additional pressure for the NHS'. It warns that those working in the health service will be some of the first to see the health effects of climate change - 'if they have not done so already' - and calls on them to take action to reduce its impact.
Professor Ramesh Arasaradnam, academic vice president at the RCP, said: 'The need to act has never been more urgent and we hope that our Green Physician Toolkit will support the physician community with small steps that can make a difference.
'It can of course be challenging to prioritise sustainability at a time when there is very high demand for clinical care, but we have to keep in mind that reducing climate change and its health impacts is part of reduced pressure on the NHS in the long-term.'


  1. According to geological statistics, there are 29 active volcanoes on this planet shoving out millions of tons a year, of noxious gases and CO2 while, at the same time, 'eminent' scientists are try to stop cows farting because of climate change.
    Now, it seems, whoever someone seeks medical advice over a bad back or a verucca, they will have to be warned about contributing to warble gloaming. We are governed by imbeciles.

    1. And what do we do when the chance comes to change them? Elect a different sort of imbecile!

  2. What? Are they abandoning the very very dangerous threat of having more than two sherberts each week.
    All the millions of excess deaths that mysteriously cropped up after the multiple jabs were decreed will be put down to, - drum roll, - Climate Change.
    The Donald across the Pond had a narrow escape from - drum roll - Climate Change.
    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

  3. Green Physician Toolkit. Doctor, are you green? No I have been practising for years. Good, then you should be almost perfect.


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