Friday 21 June 2024

It’s the wider implications of course

As Paul wrote:

There’s a double culpability here, as well as the obvious one of the lowlifes being paid to do it by someone powerful enough to also stand down Plod … it was a clear message that someone powerful runs things … and it ain’t us … it has zero respect for heritage, cultural history … and it’s not just the Woke left loons, the bratty kids badly brought up … it’s not even the deathcult or perma-victim, feckless blacks …

Rather, it’s someone higher up the food chain in a suit or in suits, with oodles of dosh and part of the ancient perma chip on the shoulder set … in a sense, it’s religious fanaticism of an unholy sort. Anything it touches, pays, blackmails … is ruined.

Yes, desecration is bad … yes, Plod working solely for Them, not us, is bad … but it’s also the inability of ordinary people to see who the target should be beyond Blair and Obama … that’s the sticking point.

As a General Election rapidly approaches.


  1. Dad to see members of the public having to come forward to stop these morons. Also sad to see, was none of these morons having the sprays turned on them.
    I wonder how they would feel to wake up to find their homes sprayed and "Let's Keep Oil" slogans painted over their windows? Just asking.

  2. Forgot to add:
    Considering that Stonehenge is a fair walk from anywhere, how did these morons get there? Shirley, not by using transport which requires oil? Volvos in the car park?

  3. Last time I was there (approx 20 yrs ago) the general public was not allowed within striking distance of the monoliths in order to preserve them from the greasy mits of Joe Public as well as the unicorns and fairy cults who appear at the full moon. Those feckless loons in the photo will be easy to track down now their faces are all over the media but someone has to have the will to do that and bring them to justice. Given that JSO is being funded by wealthy idiots in a backroom somewhere, most likely if the two stooges ever do face justice they'll be bound over to keep the peace. Won't be worth plod's time. Besides, did JSO think the stones were transported there using fossil fuels? I blame the parents.....

  4. This is what you get when you have Billionaires with the cash to influence countries. They can buy focus groups, they can run faux charities and think-tanks that spout information or opinions favourable to their agenda. It's all a scam to influence the governments and markets so they can earn even more money.
    For instance if you had a short position on oil companies and then got your fake charities and think-tanks to brief against oil companies so your short position becomes a reality, what is that?

  5. JH: Yes. Can’t remember last time I was there … maybe early 80s or early 90s … just walked up to them.


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