Wednesday 5 June 2024

Holiday Season Headlines...

Every year, as holiday season gets underway, the headlines about drowning inevitably have to make way for headlines like these:

And I wonder just how many of these stories are from folk who treat foreign cops the way they would behave with UK cops, forgetting that they are in a foreign country where they do things rather differently...

The holiday nightmare, which took place on May 11 a day after the pair arrived in the country, began after they decided to head back to their hotel after spending an evening drinking cocktails.The man said one local had tried to pull his girlfriend's bag away from her and, after he had told him to stop and started walking back to the hotel, he had heard a police car pull up near them.

Ah, and had they had one too many? And gave the Turkish cops the sort of lip they'd give a British bobby? 

A spokesperson for West Midlands Police added: 'Officers spoke to two people at Birmingham Airport on May 13 who made several allegations they were assaulted whilst abroad. They were supported by officers and provided with advice.'
A spokesperson for the UK's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office said: 'We are supporting a British couple following an incident in Turkey and are in contact with the local authorities.'

It won't stop people going to foreign counties on holiday secure in the belief that they are just like the UK, only warmer. 

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