Tuesday 14 May 2024

“Where is the mother"?

Rethinking our strategies … for example on the subject of “marriage”, particularly in the light of the Europervertvision last Saturday evening.

We have a weapon over at the little site I occasionally write for and his moniker is DAD … I call him our Senior Member as he’s at a fullsome and robust stage of life I hope one day I manage to reach. 

In short, he’s from an era where people were by and large just married and didn’t carry on with all and sundry like 5304*
GPA [ medically assisted procreation ] “Where is the mother"? 

For having asked this simple question, Marion Maréchal found herself castigated by a large part of the political class, including by the government spokesperson, Prisca Thévenot. It is true that this intervention by a political leader touched an extremely sensitive point at the heart of the anthropological changes resulting from “marriage for all”. 

Once marriage is no longer defined as the union of a man and a woman destined to produce posterity, all the benchmarks become floating. Children resulting from medically assisted procreation are now referred to one parent1 and one parent2, which means the exclusion of a father or a mother, in favour of two men or two women.
Marion Mariechal, for those unfamiliar with the French political scene, is the absolute honey (in men’s eyes) who dropped the surname Le Pen.  In short again … she’s of the alt-right, meaning for God and country and the French have a history of being susceptible to iconic ladies, particularly young … such as Jeanne la Pucelle (Joan of Arc to us), Marianne … plus “our current Marion”.

The Dutch have theirs too … her name is Eva Vlaar etc.etc. and she’s known as the “Shieldmaiden of the far-right”.  

My view is that we can’t get enough of this sort of thing … this very site here, OoL (interesting that it’s called “Orphans”) is headed by a gal I for one am in awe of, if only for her gaming ability, ha ha, plus she’s the scourge of Bully dogs and inconsiderate cyclists in lycra. Plus she loves wild animals.

Anyway, I digress. This issue of non-natural birth out of wedlock … in fact the whole vomit-inducing business seen last Saturday evening … is just one of a multitude of issues today which might be better handled by the feisty female than the blast ’em to eternity blunt male or even the rabbiting on of me for paragraph after paragraph.

It might be better handled by a lady with weaponry, rather than a Mary Whitehouse who was too susceptible in her own family history (a bit like Sarah Palin in Alaska).  Marion M has President of the Republic written all over her but her strategy might just end a Presidential run.

That strategy is to calmly ask a simple question, as you see at the start of the quote above, a highly sensitive question in that country, not so much in godless Britain, for whom the game of cricket was invented to give Brits some concept of eternity. 

Ask it “in all innocence”, not raising the voice too much. The French have a guided missile in Marion M, almost a law unto herself, so unherdable as gals on the right, liberty side tend to be.  She needs to be President of the Republic imho.

Psssst … any chance we could persuade our Julia here to run for a new position of Chief Minister, head of the Privy Council or something?  Juss thinking out loud, that’s all.

Incidentally, what do you think of the current UKIP shenanigans over “leadership”?


* To ustd 5304, type it into your calculator, turn the calculator upside down and read … it’s US jargon and a pretty good euphemism. For the singular, drop the 5.

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