Tuesday 28 May 2024

It's an ancient war

... come back with a vengeance in modern times.

Perhaps the most startling quality of world leaders today is that they do not believe in much beyond their own wants and needs.  Many will feign a belief in God for the sake of appearances, but true believers are hard to find.  In the West, where Christianity has shaped society for two thousand years, it is more common to find governments punishing Christians for their faith than to see biblical doctrine defended.  

Finnish Member of Parliament Päivi Räsänen, a rare Christian politician in our overwhelmingly secular times, has spent the last several years defending herself against criminal “hate speech” charges for quoting the Bible.  Prosecutors claim that her religious convictions concerning marriage and morality are “insulting” and “degrading” and violate “sexual rights.”  Furthermore, her accusers insist that the State “can limit freedom of expression in the outward expression of religion.” 

It's the same "libertarian" justification to hoodwink people who can't see that there are two distinct strains of libertarianism ... classical liberalism which believes in the rule of law, not laws ... an important distinction ... with built in protections for the weak and vulnerable, plus a culture of ethics which defends this ...

... as against licentiousness, which is satanic in origin and says that anything I want to do at all, you can't stop me. Murder, rape, hook up culture, gay sex for kids, sex "change", hard drugs, hooked on Big Pharma ... no moral code whatever.  Shops shortchanging, substituting inferior product, not honouring agreements ... it's a prescription for both a living hell plus a real hell thereafter.

Like it or not, the code underpinning the West, as it was, was a mix of Christian ethic and classical civility, nobility, art, high culture ... there were magnificent tributes by Man to a higher power which sonehow left society's denizens free to succeed or not, give or take, with obvious abuses along the way by false priests, false politicians, paying lip service to ideals but as false as hell inside themselves, greedy, me me me, all status and no real sense of humanity inside.

The very scripture itself which quotes Jesus of Nazareth as saying not only do you accept the Christian God but you accept what is said in the next breath and love thy neighbour as thyself ... it's the only prescription for a society to self-regulate and it's also the foundation of property ... what you earn is yours by right ... and now comes charity, as in faith, hope and charity.

Not the state's grand theft, not muggings, not the feckless stealing of everything you own. In the trad West, all official roles must have good purpose, are accepted by most, plus being fit for purpose, unlike Plod today ... people basically get along.

And when someone defends this trad system, does the new, godless state embrace some new, noble elevation of Man to godlike status?  

Does it hell ... it does this instead:

Does this brave new society stand strong in defence of a traditions which once protected ... or does it stand by and spinelessly allow this? The Eloi at the mercy of savages?

Because when all the defences you don't personally like are torn down and only godless, me me me licentiousness rules ... then you reap what we have today.  We'll get onto single hookup culture mothers with their brats in supermarkets next time ... if still alive and uninjured by either state or these feckless licentious.

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