Thursday 15 February 2024

The real horror of leftism …

... even the soft "left liberalism" or more strident "social democrats" ... is that it is always the politics of envy and therefore, inevitably, the dispossession of others. 

Even the seemingly harmless term "the wealth", meaning the available figure which is the value of all assets, inc. cash, as if it's some great amount of moolah in society just waiting to be divided up favourably towards oneself and one's coterie ... that ignores the very nature of industriousness, creating wealth, the ownership of your own labour.

No matter how soft it seems, even disguised as "libertarianism", it still involves theft, unless it is "right libertarianism", i.e. the right to create wealth for yourself and your family, and for it to be safeguarded, and for it to enjoy healthy conditions for it to grow, in proportion.  

There must be, in the system, the presence of "incentive" which, by definition, is killed by monopoly.

Just as a nation can survive and benefit from a small, sub 2% trickle of approved migrants ... when it becomes an invasion though ... different other thing ... so monopoly is the killing of competition, just as bad as leftism. In a way, the two are the same … taking from you and giving to the undeserving and/or profligately wasted on ideological schemes.

This is illustrated in this excerpt from the Fabian Bertrand Russell, a monster in human form in his 1953 book:

As that illustrates ... once they get a foothold in a country, such ideas … such a destructive mindset leads only one way ... to inevitable oblivion.

1 comment:

  1. “Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective”. 1953!

    Arguing about ‘when’ the collapse of morality, honesty, patriotism, etc. began is ‘difficult’, but the ‘how it proceeded’ is relatively easy. Just think of the apocryphal quote “How did you go bankrupt?”, answer “Gradually, then suddenly”. We are now well into the suddenly phase.

    Remember the, again mostly either apocryphal, over-hyped or just made up from whole cloth, now historical ‘complaints’ about rock-and-roll music corrupting the young?

    I’ll just point out something I have repeatedly, for decades, pointed out with regards to the ‘now irrefutably noticeable’ biases and indoctrination inherent in every advert, TV show and film (the removal or disparaging of normal, especially white, and doubly especially, white men. The constant presentation of non-whites, homosexuals and non-Christians as ‘just simply superior in every way’. The constant presentation of multiracial relationships, with ‘diverse’ males and white females, when it’s not just women being superior on their own. Etc.) namely “It isn’t aimed at you or I, it is aimed at indoctrinating the young, especially young women, into the new normal. To ‘training’ them not just to accept all this, but to see it as desirable ”.

    There’s long been an ongoing discussion within “creative” circles about ‘the lefts’ assertion that “only those on the left are creative”. Their ‘evidence’ is that almost every artist, author and musician is an obvious leftist. What has been noted, increasingly so since the internet and self-publication, indie music etc. arose is that … it’s not that only leftist are creative, but that the institutional gatekeepers (leftist to a man/woman) rigidly ensured 'only' leftists succeeded in such industries (and in every other industry and sphere in which they gain a foothold – allowing a single leftist in ‘anywhere’ is effectively committing deliberate, slow-motion suicide).

    Point (eventually)? Maybe those old-fogies had a point. The (Footloose) argument that it was all just good fun, and had no effect on ‘us’ (the teens/adults defending it) ‘was’ true, but when you view the cumulative effects on the youngest, over generations (and especially when you start analysing the lyrics and themes over decades), the negative impact on society of (the carefully selected exclusively leftist, anti-western, anti-moral “artists”) such has been … profound (and like a train without brakes, has been rapidly gaining speed). And ... it's all been deliberate and intentional.

    As I also keep saying, “The question isn’t whether you are paranoid or not, it’s … are you paranoid ‘enough’”!

    [I grew up believing most aspects and institutions of western civilisation just ‘worked’ (because despite a few bad-apples, most people were good, and doing right is just what you did). Then I increasingly noticed areas where it wasn’t just that it didn’t, but that it was deliberately constructed ‘not’ to (and just how many bad-apples there really were, and how common corruption et al was). Now, I’m at the point where I search, in vain, for any aspect or institution which isn’t, and wasn’t always (at least in my lifetime), irretrievably corrupt and perverted and … used to manipulate and control us (and now I search for any sign there are more than a handful of normal good people out there). Sigh!]


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