Wednesday 31 January 2024

Where Were You Three Years Ago?

Alice Ferguson, of Playing Out, said: “Compared to previous generations, children’s lives have become incredibly restricted, indoors, isolated and inactive, largely due to changes in the outdoor environment. Government could reverse this trend and hugely improve children’s health and wellbeing by making streets safer and neighbourhoods more child-friendly, enabling them to get outside and play every day.”
Until the government forbids them from going outside in the next manufactured panic, you mean?
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health said in a report last year that children’s health in the most disadvantaged communities presented “a terrifying picture”.
Economic deprivation and racial inequality are both significant additional factors compounding children’s lack of access to outdoor play, physical activity and green space. There is also evidence to suggest girls spend less time outside playing than boys.”

Wow, suddenly, there is a difference between boys and girls after all! 


  1. One thing the authorities can do to make children safer is to stop letting RoP rapists and sex traffickers out of prison halfway through their sentence for good behaviour (of course their behaviour is good. There aren't any children to rape in prisons), and then fail to deport them when they are released. Claims that they are entitled to a family life can be countered by reporting their family with them. If the family doesn't want to go, it shows that that family life what sh*t in the first place, and the excuse can then be ignored.
    Will it happen? Of course not. Victims and the general public always take second place to the needs of human pond life.

  2. Any playing facility set up by politicians, civil servants and their woke leeches will be ignored. Unless children have changed.
    A bit of wilderness, some junk, a street light would be used.


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