Sunday 14 January 2024

The genocide nobody wishes to know about

Say "Nigeria" and you might expect many westerners to think "the dark savagery of Bongo Bongo Land" but a closer look would show that the satanic savages are moreso the deathcult, their children fed hatred with their breakfast, taught to kill, kill, kill, like something out of Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant. With added mutilations, rapes and murders for comic relief.

The Guardian, like Reuters and the German newspaper Die Zeit, partially blamed climate change for the murders, stating that ‘Competition for natural resources between nomadic herders and farmers, intensified by rapid population growth and climate pressures, has exacerbated social tensions and sparked violence.’
But those with a deeper understanding of the Nigeria(n) scenario insist the timing had clear religious undertones.

A Roman Catholic priest who heads a charity helping Christians start small businesses in areas where they have been heavily persecuted, mainly by Muslims, said that blaming the attacks on climate change ‘is the narrative of the post-Christian globalist West. 
How could they dare admit there is a genocide going on in Nigeria perpetrated by Muslims against Christians—it would demand action.’
So yes, like western feminazi me-me-me "women" not giving a damn about the welfare of women worldwide but only about their own li'l old selves, it's a bit dangerous these days to be so western navel gazing when the savagery is pouring into western countries even as we read, aided and abetted by the non-comp Wokerati under the control of Them above.

The savages are upon our doorsteps, people, gleaming eyes and knife between teeth ... if it's not women and girls in grave danger of rape and murder, it's young lads watching the fireworks in awe and wonder. There was even a report yesterday of a man being raped by a mob of em ... they don't seem to discriminate ... girls, goats, males, exhaust pipes.

And stoopid leftists still try to blame climate change because they cannot face reality. 

And these clowns wreck it for the unsuspecting, non-political innocents minding their own business ... it's not only them being attacked and violated ... there's a proportion of loony girls getting it too ... sadly, too many of them real THOTs:

In that particular case, though the accused and convicted eventually pocketed a neat $1.25m for the inconvenience (not covered by part one of the video), take a good look at the guy ... cruising with his buddies late night for just such body-count THOTs. Sorry but if you're going to cruise late night ... wwweeellll.

The issue, as Melanie points out ... is police, judges and juries today ... not just in this case but in that of attacks out of nowhere by hundreds of thousands of savages lurking in our land.

And the Uniparty aids and abets it over caviar. Can't help thinking they'll eventually get theirs ... but will it be too late for us?

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