Friday 12 January 2024

Giving Them An Inch...

...and they are taking a mile:
Businesses seeking contracts from a London council are being vetted on their commitments to 'LGBT values'.
Camden Council will scrutinise companies and their employees to ensure they hold the appropriate beliefs about issues such as gender and sexuality.
Internal documents from the council sourced through Freedom of Information requests say: 'We are beginning to ask businesses to demonstrate their commitment to LGBTQ+ equality before we procure them.'

That's going to throw a few spanners in the works with Muslim companies, isn't it? Assuming that it applies to all, of course... 


  1. I can imagine the conversation at one such company applying for a council contact.

    Have you seen this? We need to show our commitment to LGBTQ+ equality.

    That's alright, we treat them all the same, the L's and the G's, all of them, they go off the same roof.

  2. Won’t apply to Khan’s cronies. Do as I say not as I’m doing.

    1. Oh, I very much doubt this is going to affect the chosen groups...

  3. Not inclined to give them an inch, six inches or go anywhere near them, thank you very much.

  4. Just once I'd like to see (normals) stand up and say "OK, we wont provide the service to you". I'd pay good money to watch the unfolding disaster of the freaks having, for once, to do without reliance on normals to support/subsidise them (Hint: 'every' queer or ethnic organisation has the unsung, abused and underpaid normy doing all the real work that allows them to operate, in the background. I'd suggest a "Fight-Club" type scheme but ... just spit-balling GCHQ). they are parasites, and without a host they'd die off pretty quickly (and I suspect hilariously - see Portland's "zone").

    1. Just once I'd like to see (normals) stand up and say "OK, we wont provide the service to you". Oh, so would I!


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