Sunday 21 January 2024

Burn in hell, Lenin

Some are commemorating Lenin on social media … why should I be any different? 

Here’s my eulogy:

Must add this, posted just now:


  1. You can trace the war in The Ukraine back to the actions of Lenin and Stalin. These horrors perpetrated on peasants by the Bolsheviks have never been forgotten. Grannies dandle the young ones on their knees and tell them of the evil times. The young grew up with these hatreds embedded in them. No surprise that when the Nazis pitched up on their way to Stalingrad they found ready and willing recruits to kill Russians. Their descendants are those neonazis that have been shelling ethnic Russians in Donbass for the last decade.

    All of this made the UK/US/NATO/EUSSR takeover of The Ukraine a simple matter. Russia was forced to act to defend it's people and it's country.


Unburden yourself here: