Friday 15 December 2023

Welcome to the new breed of monster ...

 (0004) Just ticked over into Friday morn.

There have always been "bad actors", to use the terminology of this person:

For a start, she's in a German outfit with a surname Craig and she's actually based in London.  Head of Digital Integrity?  For whom? Appointed by whom? She's a youngster, which raises certain questions in itself.

So, on the side of good are people such as Eva Vlaar and all sorts of lovelies and then there are this type, including people like Allison Mack or Epstein's pilot, dedicated to the destruction of sections of humanity ... monsters in other words.

What is her job?  Seeking out "bad actors" such as the Eva Vlaars (note the direct projection of their own crimes onto the exposers of crime) ... she though has the backing and funding beyond comprehension for their open agenda ... the elimination of humankind, esp. westerners and the supposed "rewilding" of "the planet" ... via conferences such as COP 28, at which they decide on trillions to be spent removing carbon from the atmosphere ... thereby humanity along with it.

Quite apart from the lunacy, which you see in the two articles (at another site across the way) on the Greens plus Groupthink, there are very nasty tactics employed, such as NLP, which essentially are anti-human tactics based on human weaknesses ... the essence of satanic Gaia.

Now ... on Twitter, my tweeting is twofold ... there's a strong political component ... plus "nature" tweeting ... beautiful vistas and human cityscapes through the eyes of ramblers and the poor people of the past, inc. the soldiers.

But what if not all those viewers of the vistas see humans in relation to nature PLUS Mankind's magnificent architecture, art, aqueducts etc. etc. but actually wish Mankind expunged from the scene ... except for themselves of course.

See ... what you have here, even in the collective efforts of so many tweeters, the majority female ... are the Mooshes on one hand who love humanity and repost countless shots of humanity plus great architecture of the past, plus human resilience and endeavour:

... the sorts of people who can produce these:

... but then "people" equally appreciative of the nature part, however hellbent on eliminating the human part by genocide any which way (Event 201 at Johns Hopkins) who happily fuel guzzle and carbon abuse their way to COP 28 ... who eulogise the rewilding by cutting down trees and constructing fields of soulless metal and plastic wind and solar fields, no nature whatever left ... just blotted out landscapes.

And lovelies such as Jiore Craig, highly flattered about being one of the satanically saved few who'll still live ... are actually, behind the facade of loveliness ... ravening young monsters, the delight of vile Schultz and gang.

Just who are the insane, the bad actors here ... us? Jiore Craig's brief, and I quote, is a "shared endeavour programme which seeks to build psycho-social resilience".

In other words ... get to the young first, get them away from "bad actors" like us, with dangerous views such as God, country, marriage, family, home and reverence for all life on the planet.

Welcome to the new breed of monster ... the pre-Damascene Saul-ette. The damage is incalculable from pitiless destroyers such as her.

(Please note ... I have deliberately not linked nor attributed, in order to protect the content providers from the Jiore Craigs of globo-psycho, whose job it is to seek out and destroy such content providers.)


  1. James, I have another example of this type of woman, in the form of a senior manager in Aviva, the financial company.
    In giving evidence to, I think, a parliamentary committee, she announced her intention to prevent white men from being promoted if there is an ethnic; apparently any old ethnic will do; to fill the post.
    If Aviva don't get rid of her pronto, she will destroy the company. And I cite Budweiser and Disney as two recent examples of such malignancy.


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