Monday 25 December 2023

Two parties almost impossible to reconcile?

Even for Christian people, as in kindhearted, charitable souls … even though all parties involved at the Christmas dinner table wished for a truce to exist for the sake of the third party, maybe for their mother’s sake … well let me illustrate … let’s start with this from further down:

The tweeter is non-vaxxed, let’s say it was female … not only did she go through such monstrous behaviour by the vaxxed sister who turned into a real karen monster, quite happy to see her sis die in a concentration camp for daring to refuse the deathjab …

… but even now, that karen is still pigheadedly unrepentant I’d say, despite the science conclusively showing the criminality of the entire deathjab operation … the karen is still clinging onto the Faucis, Whitties and Hancocks on the faux media … so there is zero remorse from her whatever, quite the opposite.

And the sis tweeting is seething and bitter about what she had to put up with and still is. Had the science resoundingly backed the karen, then I’d place a bet the tweeting sis would have reconciled by now.

Which raises another horrifying reality … look how very little it took for that family to be split. There were obviously grievances going way back to childhood but as these weren’t terminal … and for the sake of their mother, say, they’d been in a sort of tentative permatruce until 2020.

In marched globopsycho through the MSM, well aware of what they were doing … after all, there was the lesson of Kissinger in Rwanda plus the UN in Darfur … it took days, weeks at most and those sisters were never going to speak to one another again.

Imagine how their mum would feel.

But for any rapprochement whatever, the party in the wrong would need a change of heart … there must be remorse and a desire to atone first. Even if Christian, it still requires that process first, does it not?

Not having a sister or brother myself … there were some second siblings plus in-laws dotted about but none close … given that, I have no bitter divisions to personally heal … but all the same, I can feel what it would be like.

Long after Fauci and Biden’s CCP are gone, what’s going to happen in that family between those two sisters? You do see how diabolically easy it was.

1 comment:

  1. Why is it people just can't agree to disagree any more. It just has to be their way.

    I can understand someone terrified of Covid so much that they don't want to be around anyone not jabbed any more. It is after all what a totalitarian government planned, peer pressure, and most people are not logical thinkers. They read all they know and don't question anything.

    Although I have told people my views and I even had the discussion with my mother I agreed to stay away until they felt it was safe. I still spoke to them. To many it was all or nothing so they fell out.

    Now of course they are feeling a bit more sheepish, many got jabbed to travel and now are concerned for the side effects. Many got jabbed because work insisted and are feeling the same way. The owners fell for the government hype just like all the other sheep.

    When the next one comes along, and it has started already, how many of those fooled the first time will comply. I've already seen a couple of masks on my XMas shopping trips.

    These decades will be known as the age of insanity. When the world turned into Sheep.


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