Friday 22 December 2023

Transforming The High Street...

From redundant office blocks to old cinema and club sites, bold new plans are set to shape the future of the sites, changing the skyline forever.
In the biggest application, submitted to Southend Council, Comer Homes wants to turn Alexander House, an old HMRC office block in Victoria Avenue, into 557 self-contained flats with shops on the ground floor.

Another benefit of the 'working from home' movement? 

In Alexander Street, developer Vikesh Kotecha has submitted plans to convert the partially-demolished Empire Theatre, later known as the ABC cinema, into 22 luxury self-contained flats with shops on the ground floor.
The same developer is also planning on a development on the former Churchill’s diner site, in Tylers Avenue, which has been vacant since 2021.

This is where new homes need to be built, not on the greenbelt! But the utilities and services need to be increased in line with them. And seldom does that ever happen.


  1. The old question … who’s the new accommodation for? Which demographic?

  2. If the rats in government deported all of the millions of illegals in our country, there would hardly be any demand for new dwellings.
    And our public services would be able to serve their actual paymasters.


    Julia I wish you, James and everyone else associated with OoL, including your readership, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, safe and prosperous New Year.

  3. Having some historic knowledge of that site, it's to be hoped that only a handful of the occupants ever need parking spaces, there's certainly nowhere for 557 of them.
    Of course, if the 'charitable' RNLI just cruise round the coast from Dover into the Thames estuary, they can drop all those alleged 'asylum seekers' directly into those 557 tiny units. No-one else would want to live there.


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