Saturday 2 December 2023

A Christmas Advert which, strangely, rings True.

As my readers may know, I lost my Jacqueline some 30 months ago, to a hospital and medical people who simply did not care.

But, through the medium of an advert generated by a massive American car manufacturer, which chimes with just the right notes, and subtly brings in, without diminishing, that terrible ‘Long Goodbye’ which has affected many thousands: that Advert brought my Jacqueline and the decades of memory, back to me.

The decision of a monolithic American company to resurrect an old-fashioned ideal, of Family values, of Love and of the truly old-fashioned ideals of Marriage, was probably made with a definite slant towards commercialism: but, whatever the reason; Thank You, Chevrolet!


  1. Lovely. Good song too.

    Thanks for posting.

  2. Thank you Grandpa for finding this video and sharing it with us. This lady could have been my mother. She had her 'good days and bad days'. Happily, I try to remember her good days.


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