Monday 27 November 2023

Experts! What Do They Know?

Well, as it turns out...not a lot. 

It was almost 36 years ago that experts agreed to ban the production of a damaging class of man-made chemicals, known as CFCs.At the time, research had shown that CFCs depleted the ozone layer, the protective layer of our atmosphere that shields us from cancer-causing UV rays.
But this might not be enough, as the ozone hole has been 'remarkably massive' over the last four years, scientists in New Zealand now reveal.


The authors of this new study claim there's been a 26 per cent loss in the core of the ozone hole in the past 19 years – but again, they're not sure why.

They've learned a little humility then. They were sure nearly 40 years ago, and look what effort went into something as a result. 

The findings suggest that 'changes in the Southern Hemisphere atmosphere' are contributing to a persistent Antarctic ozone hole. These changes could be related to the polar vortex – an atmospheric circulation pattern that sits high above the poles, in the stratosphere.

Gosh! Will we eventually see the global warming 'experts' have to similarly admit that that huge glowing ball of hydrogen in the sky might be the main driver of rising temperatures and not humankind? 

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't it in New Zealand a few years ago that one of these low IQ 'experts' (who never seem to have a name) was telling us that all of the cows should be fitted with a nappy or somesuch, because they were responsible for a large amount of the stuff that is causing this climate crisis?


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