Saturday 14 October 2023

One Day Travelcard withdrawal

... symptom of a far greater malaise, like bin services severely reduced ... all for our benefit.

On the surface, it just seems another of those "modern" Brit things where ... when once it would probably have been a good thing, it helped, it worked ... now it's a feeling of creeping dread and cynical wondering who gets to benefit ... coz it sure ain't us ... quite the opposite:


  1. And what happens to the poor among us that live from day to day and don't want to have money tied up on an oyster card and don't have a mobile phone.

    This is just another push towards cashless and a critical one as well. Pushing people off cars on to a cashless solution.

  2. From January next year I will have to pay a new, annual charge on top of my council tax, to have my garden waste collected.
    Because the council has overspent by £20 million. Who are the council blaming? Westminster.
    So, the rats in central and local government are profligate with our money but we their employers have to pay for it.
    And no one is held to account.
    Something has to change to restore the rightful pecking order to where it belongs.


Unburden yourself here: