Tuesday 5 September 2023

The nuts and bolts of ideological takeover

It's one thing looking at something from a macro perspective, as opposed to a micro ... all the talking points are there to talk about once the stable door is bolted and the damage done ... but just how did it even happen in the first place?

Well here are two tales ... one at TDS ... and one mine at a more innocuous level, many decades ago.

There is no mechanism in place to shut the EDI juggernaut down. Indeed there is an entire architecture set up to keep it in place. Because if you complain or dissent you will be accused of transphobia and hate. There are badges, and pledges, and training sessions, and identity-group networks, and paid permanent EDI staff with nothing else to do and a strong incentive to keep it all in place, indeed ramp it up.
All the applicable laws from earlier times, regulations, administrative provisions and allocations ... down to individual job specifications, sonetimes called standing orders ... they're all in place to regulate perceived threats from an earlier, vague, imagined-threat time, a happier, more innocuous time ... and they're adequate for that purpose as everyone seems basically onside with the goals of the organisation.

I wrote a recent post on my time in the civil service and how I rewrote the standing orders for my role ... now how many civil servant AOs are going to have the gall to do that? Why did I do it and how did I get away with it?

What I did was write in certain roles I dealt with during the course of the week into one combined role ... all menial tasks, non-threatening to the class 6/7s who had to approve, I used the extant process, went through the right channels, got the approval for showing "initiative", which meant anything non-threatening which showed aptitude, I was marked for higher things, e.g. the personnel section at that time, had I any ambition, which I had not.

What though if I'd not been one bored little officer trapped in the mindboggling tedium and civil service think of three hour actual working days? What if I'd been a karen for a sick brained movement which had already wormed its way in at the upper levels, a movement for unfortunate sods whose actual welfare was not cared for in the least by the insinuators above, the latter's primary, hidden purpose being to wreck the civil service in the long term ... a worldwide clandestine movement to jam its internal workings such that massive salaries were paid to a new class of officer who could use the organs and mechanisms against itself?

What sort of person would I be? Well ... a former ideologue and student radical for a start, who knew how to stir and be listened to ... talent in the eyes of the WEF, a next gen "young leader" such as Casey DeSantis ... that sort of person. A Princess Nut Nut whispering in Boris's pillow talk earlug.

And the institution itself? Knife through butter. Dead easy to take over in the name of a "worthy" cause which none dare criticise for fear of being "labelled".

I invited our section back to our place in Brighton where I lived at that time, for a works party and almost all below SEO level made the journey. One thing I noticed was the rampant "gay" behaviour ... men actually openly "doing it" on the divan in the living room, all revellers out of their heads on the substances of the day.  

Had I been one of these targetted "upcoming young thought leaders", there was fertile ground here for writing in protective measures for what was still, in society, frowned upon but de rigeur for the "in" set. And no doubt, the higher ups of similar mind would have sounded me out for further insidious damage work.

That's about it ... that's how it gets in, right up to the point where any opposition is first mocked, then marginalised ... and finally punished.

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