Wednesday 23 August 2023

Lessons In Economic Reality In 'The Guardian'...

In 2014, I started a petition to end the unfair and sexist “luxury” tax on period products.

Oh, and how did that go? December 2020, Rishi Sunak, then chancellor, announced he was “proud” to finally end the 5% tax rate applied to period products.

Hurrah! Right? 

Due to a simple administrative error, period pants (a reusable and environmentally friendly menstrual product) were wrongly categorised by HMRC as clothing rather than menstrual products. As a result, period pants are still being taxed today at 20%.

Ah. The government screwing things up. Gosh. What a shock. Still, everything else is cheaper, right? 

It has been two and a half years since Sunak announced the end of the tampon tax (on all products except period pants). You would expect products to be cheaper as a result.

You might. I'm not sure I would... 

Yet a report by the not-for-profit advisory firm Tax Policy Associates found they are hardly any cheaper today than they were in 2020, even after adjusting for inflation. This is for a simple and extremely disappointing reason: retailers have kept prices the same and pocketed the reduction in tax as profits, amounting to an estimated £15m every year.

Wow! Who could have forseen that? Except, maybe, everyone..? 

It’s time to stop weaponising periods. The point of ending tax on sanitary products is to make them more accessible, not to make retailers richer.

As soon as you figure out how to do that, let us all know, eh? 


  1. Weaponising periods. Eh? What a way to die.
    Seriously though, folks, anything used to keep yourself clean and healthy should be tax free. Including pants, socks, , deodorent, soap, towels, heating, etc.

    1. It's never ending! But can't they add wine to that list?

  2. We live in one of the most taxed counties on earth. Why? Because princess' like this brain-dead bint want everything for "free".

    Hint: The "free" NHS (used 'and' staffed by/for mostly women - >80% women staff, >85% primary care, >82% all care provision used by women - yet men get to pay, not just the same, but vastly more for it) ... isn't (it's paid for by taxing ... everything). Government 'services' (central and local)? Again staffed by a majority of women, providing (when they can be bothered, and don't even think of asking for hellp if you're a hated male) services prioritised for and used mostly women (tax). Etc.

    Anyone who can be bothered to look can see that the exponential rise in size and scope of government, with the predictable ever increasing control-freakery and ... cost, occurred (after millennia) only when ... women were given the vote.

    There was a recent article, written by a woman, on "The Rise of the female Pick-up Artist", in which the (shock, horror) truth was basically admitted that most women are entirely selfish, mercenary ... parasites. This is merely more evidence of the same.

    Point? You don't, as a woman, get to claim discrimination and demand removal of taxes (but only on products only you use) when the only reason they were taxed in the first place is because of 'your' demands for an ever-growing list of other things you claim are yours 'free' by right.

    [No country or culture in the entirety of the history of the world gave women as much power as they exercise in the here and now. The reason, because any that did died in blood and fire. We're merely at the beginning of the end ... and most women will genuinely believe (against all the evidence and truth), when it arrives, that it was (of course) all mens fault.]

  3. "Why? Because princess' like this brain-dead bint want everything for "free"." And feminised men, too, the 'Guardian' is full of them!


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