Sunday 16 July 2023

The race to take over western nations

Who’ll control the ports, land, pollies, ex-western thinking first, then turn its attention to the other major camp? In short … China versus the deathcult.

We don’t do a lot on China’s insidious tentacles and yet it’s been a theme since the start of my own blogging … for example Deng Xiao Ping and his “China must hide its light under a bushel and nourish obscurity until the time is right”, to paraphrase whatever he said.

Today’s equivalent is Swalwell and Fang Fang, old Murdoch’s ex, Chinese training camps on Vancouver Island, even bamboo furniture making its way through my abode, former plans to use a junk sail arrangement, the Silk Road, China in Africa, major ports and land being bought up, etc. etc.

More insidious is all this meditation, pilates, psych2go coaching, run by Chinese … the aim being to de-stress western softies and teach them the three virtues, the seven gratitudes, all that sort of tosh.

Meanwhile, feisty types like us are distracted by outrage at the globo Woke psycho schemes, whilst all the time, fighting age men pour in, straight to benefits, some placed in schools.

All of which must dismay the deathcult who are opposed with their own takeover plans:

The Committee accepts that Chinese influence and interference activities may be difficult to detect, but questions whether the Government has even been looking in the first place. “China’s size, ambition and capability have enabled it to successfully penetrate every sector of the UK’s economy,” it states.

The nine-member committee, under the chairmanship of Sir Julian Lewis MP, began its inquiry in 2019 and is scathing about the Government’s failure to wake up to the challenges faced in academia, industry and technology, where the U.K. has been too willing to engage in tie-ups and to accept Chinese funding with few questions asked. The Chinese intelligence apparatus is almost certainly the largest in the world, and “it targets the U.K. and its interests prolifically and aggressively”, the report states.


  1. It took the inquiry 4 years to come up with that. How do you get onboard these gravy trains?

  2. Perhaps the government numpties should stop the £50 million a year foreign aid to China; prevent Chinese owned shadow companies buying up firms, and properties; take action to close down the PCC 'Police stations' intent on tracing and harassing Chinese critics of the PCC; and university numpties stop accepting bribes to allow PCC members to register as students, therefore allowing them to to destroy our society from within. The Chinese government is not our friend. You can not trust it. Don't forget the agreement that Hong Kong would be a Special Administrative Region for 50 years. How long did that last? The island is, now, just another province of China, where dissent is not allowed. Unfortunately, almost everything we buy is made in China, because we don't really make much in this country any more, putting us in their debt. I forget who it was that said if you wish to have power over people, make them indebted to you. What we need are politicians with the balls to cancel that debt.


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