Sunday 2 July 2023


An article in the OffGuardian … courtesy of DAD …

… says, concerning sheep:
The fatal error of sheep is not realizing that the people they call “conspiracy theorists” and “science deniers” are not some small fringe group of weirdos and hillbillies as they might imagine. The fact is we are large in number and include many brilliant minds and formidable members in our individual fields of expertise. This is no ragtag band of ne’er do wells.

Many sheep have asked me, “How can you be sure you are right and we are wrong?” I have often asked myself the same question. 
The problem in answering this is the sheep is not a creature of the air (no, wrong skit) … the problem is partly addressed by Them themselves.  You’ve heard it said “go to the ant, thou sluggard, observe his ways and be wise”. 

There’s much to be said for that … for both the good and evil because, translated, it leads to the first prerequisite for being right:

a.  Being widely read from a huge variety of sources, old and new, religious and secular, homegrown and farflung and creating a database which you can dip into. It’s not for the essentially lazy at heart.

This is precisely what Them are doing with their surveillance, monitoring, recording and that leads to the obvious corollary:

b.  Those sources are categorised by Them into approved and proscribed.  It’s not always the case that the proscribed are right … there are many unsound masquerading as proscribed, e.g. Breitbart now in deepcaptcha.

Conversely, so many of the slickly (moneyed) produced “voices of reason” using calm assurance, an appeal to “sensible” solutions and casting “conspiracists” as loons … when a moment’s thought shows you that collusion is and always has been ubiquitous throughout lands and history … and when they dazzle with Science-looking graphs and Science-sounding turgid tomes or outrageously curt, all encapsulating phrases such as “fossil fuels”… when they start those things … plus the source is govt, Soros or Gates or Blackrock connected … then it’s wise policy to be sceptical of these people.

c.  The very nature of scepticism should not be to auto-reject, nihilistically, but to set aside confirmation bias and a priori assumptions, not in order to discard but in order to properly evaluate.

Which leads to the Sherlock Holmes’ point about reasoning and also the Perry Mason, anti Sgt Holcombe approach … in short, to keep an open mind until the critical moment at which it’s obvious that any further investigative success is going to involve faith … faith and scepticism … a heady mix.

The true scientist believes in what works, has been shown to work countless times, under all conditions but not only the secular scientist has a mortgage on truth. If someone puts to you that there is immense comfort and a developed sense of right and wrong, way beyond any secular sensibilities in buying the ticket … that is just as scientific in its evaluation … that human applies the same set of tests of efficacy.

In short, there really is not just an observable physical but also much evidence for an un-perceptible (sic) reality woven through the observable. In short again … the secularist who flatly rejects the spiritual is just as bad as the fanatical believer who fails to accept that the spiritual can use quite prosaic, physical means to effect its actions.

d.  And all this comes down, in the end, to psychology. If you look at the groupthink post (foot of the post), it’s clear that techniques such as NLP not only demonstrate how human psychology can be fooled into believing but also into not believing in a proscribed belief which would be a game-ender.

It takes a special Sherlock Holmes type mind to gather, file, evaluate, keep, reject, start over but also to have such an open mind that you can be capable of both belief and scepticism, without it becoming cognitive dissonance.

But to go further … my mate up the road has the capacity to see someone who intuitively thinks “coding” and the rest can follow … or is a book-learnt scriptkiddy who can’t think “code” to save himself.  A natural versus a paint-by-numbers person, put another way.

In short short short … it does require a certain mind to even find a revelation in the first place.  Many times when asked how on earth they were able to work it out, Holmes and Poirot could answer: “Because I was looking for it.”

e.  Which brings us back full circle to the howled charge of “conspiracist”.  Or as GB Shaw put it … all progress depends on the unreasonable man (or woman).  The “reasonable” person for whom the charge of “conspiracist” is a pejorative … is a nowhere man (or woman), there being only two sexes by the way.


1 comment:

  1. First of all Conspiracy Theorist was the name thrown about to discredit anyone who spoke up against the narrative from TPTB. Bit like Racist nowadays. It is used to stifle dissent.

    Over the last 50 years our education system has been sabotaged and the people indoctrinated. They cannot reason. Many can't even balance their finances despite over a decade doing sums. They have been converted into docile slaves who do a job but don't really think. In the meantime TPTB send all their kids to private education where they are taught to think.

    However, it doesn't appear to be working out for many of them because their sabotage of the education system and the changes in society have impacted their kids in a different way. Look at Harry Spencer. However, the real powers kids are following in their footsteps. Look at Alex Soros.

    Generally that makes 99% of the population docile drones ready to be lead and to be honest the last two decades have shown that most are simply too stupid to perform any reasoning on data supplied to them. Even those with degrees and those good at their jobs fail at the first hurdle of analysing data. They can hold two conflicting thoughts at the same time and accept them without question. They just ignore the deltas.

    The IQ in the Western world is plummeting. I'm convinced, without any supporting data, that we have lost 10 points over the last few decades between import vast amounts of low IQ immigrants and our educational system. The West is doomed unless we make some drastic changes within a decade. And that isn't a climate scam prediction. I really think that. First thing is to kick out our career politicians and replace them with new people. Then lets get legislating.


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