Wednesday 28 June 2023

Just Stick To Fixing Potholes And Emptying Bins...

Almost a quarter of Bradford residents live in...


...“food deserts” - areas where there is little access to fresh, healthy food.

*blinks* Really?  

And that number rises to almost two thirds when looking at families with less than £20,000 income a year – according to a recent survey. The figures were revealed during a presentation on Bradford’s new Good Food Strategy – a plan that aims to improve access to healthy food for people across the District.

A council plan to improve something! How can it fail?  

The strategy also calls for water to become the “first choice drink” and for local influencers to be recruited to promote healthy eating.

Oh. I guess I can see how...

But what on earth is a 'food desert' anyway? I've scoured Google Maps and can't see any place lacking in shops... 

Members of the Bradford and Airedale Wellbeing Board were told that areas were classed as food deserts if people living there would have to walk more than 20 minutes to buy fresh food, such as fruit or vegetables.

As a commenter points out, 'Bet they have no trouble at all walking 20 minutes to the benefit office!' 

Or the local mosque... 

Charlotte Ramsden, CEO of the Bradford Children’s Trust, said access to healthy food was not the only issue. She said: “There is also access to cooking facilities. Some disadvantaged families have nothing to cook with – they might have a microwave if they are lucky. To prepare healthy food they need cooking facilities.

It's Bradford, love! I'd be astounded if there weren't cow-dung fired stoves in the backyards... 


  1. So much for the "Curry Capital of Britain"!

    Where is it now? Leicester?

  2. I doubt that there are few families on £2,000 a year, as the Universal Credit, courtesy of the taxpayers, would increase that to some extent. A certain sector of society certainly knows how to claim for extra dosh and, if they don't, senior members of that society will certainly show them how to do it, usually providing 'selective' information in the application and, to not accept that information can only be racist or anti their religion of peace. Woe betide any council worker who goes that far.
    Local authorites even pay for 'mentors' to show people how to budget and choose healthy foods which they can afford. Unfortunately, some people of a mysoginistic society complain it's not enough, and want more.

  3. As I work in one of the "food deserts" in BD3 I call bollocks on stilts!!!

    Supposedly one of the most impoverished areas in Europe, nevermind Bradford.

    4 cars outside every house, work ongoing on nearly every street, dormers and cellars dug out, the food waste is unbelievable.

    There is an Aldi and a Morrisons and at least 4 Asian superstores in a t minute walk of every single house...

    The denizens don't do walking!

    And don't get me started on how many primary schools there are...

    1. I'm guessing the answer will soon be 'not enough'...


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