Monday 12 June 2023

Don't Bother, We Know What The Answer's Going To Be...

The UK charities watchdog is assessing whether it will take action against Oxfam after receiving complaints about a cartoon published by the charity that ignited a row about transgender issues.

This watchdog has no teeth, after all. And no backbone

Oxfam International, which commissioned the cartoon as part of its gender justice campaign strand, subsequently published a re-edited version. It apologised for the “offence it caused” and said it had “made a mistake”.

Why on earth should a charity set up to feed starving children even have a 'gender justice strand' in the first place? 

The Charity Commission said it was assessing the complaints in the context of its regulatory and risk framework, which requires it to take action if it considers a charity has undermined public trust and confidence in the charity sector.

There's a long, long list of those before you get around to Oxfam, isn't there? 


  1. Just wondering why Oxfam Int whose HQ is in Nairobi, Kenya not Oxford UK is given charity status in UK, toothless, spineless Charity Commission notwithstanding.

    I think I just answered my own question...... ;)

  2. If a 'charity' receives funding from the government, then it is no longer a charity, but an NGO, to which the numpties in government can feel full of self satisfaction in providing financial aid, apparently forgetting that that money comes from the tax payers, often without their consent. Too often, causes morph into movements which, in turn, become businesses, where the initial reason for the formation of that cause becomes cloudy, and they start demanding changes in government policies.

  3. The more I see of the Diversity, Integration and Equality agenda, the more I think of the Millions squandered by companies, corporations and charities following this agenda rather than focussing on the job they're supposed to be doing. If I was a shareholder of a company that crowed about such things, I'd be asking the question how this agenda is making the company money. Because it hasn't gone well for other corporations that blow the DIE/LGBTQ+ ideology.

    1. It's LOSING them money. Yet, they still do it. So money must no longer be their driving force, but something else.

    2. Wickes is yet another company that hates its customers.
      So, it's added to my list of companies to avoid.

    3. Julia, the more they do it, the easier it is for them to keep their ESG score high and continue to borrow money to squander keeping their ESG score high...


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