Thursday 22 June 2023

Brave New World

Two posts from me today and to kick off, let's tackle a dangerous topic, given that Julia and I run OoL or Orphans and methinks we do it well enough ... we don't agree on everything but there is a streak of sanity running through this site, in both cases, our second site.

I've a mate up the road who always starts his day with Julia, I do too but on Gab first ... later he gets around to N.O.  I'd say ditto with Microdave and others and to my mind, that's the way it should be. 

Now, this mate of mine is not noted for his love of "modern women" ... you know, from karens to late 50s pink pussy paraders, purple cropped-haired Stop Oilers, manhaters, and yet he was speaking the other day about his firm, one of the larger outfits in IT, where he troubleshoots, being one of the original ITers ... 

... he swears by, not at, several women at or close to his level and says they're "every bit as good", know their stuff, do not suffer fools gladly.

Think we need to drive it through our skulls that there are two sexes and each of them has its capable people, its aging ones, its klutzes, its wimps, its everything ... its Woke left.  I am constantly quoting sane, capable women (and blokes) ... what's the big deal?

It's within THAT context that I present what's happening below ... you already know this, it just outlines it in black and white, ok?  Please consider these:

It says three years ago ... sorry but firstly, I was in education myself until retirement, plus there's a longish series of posts from 2006 at N.O. on "dumbing down" of education ... and of course, those pigeons are coming home to roost in society right now:

That's just downunder you say?

And you can't get any more scathing than our Julia herself. 

And you think I could not take apart the new, SNAGgy, love everyone and hug trees (technically) young male of today, found ubiquitously across firms, esp. in London?  The soy and quorn set?

So what the hell am I getting at then? I'm suggesting that the moment you go "quotas based on the newly qualifified", those bits of paper with grandiose titles ... and a firm is infested with this Wokethink, then best steer clear and engage only with trad firms of sound pedigree.  And as for "all women" boards and committees?

I know one of these but am keeping her hidden ... early Millennial, growth retarded but not entitlement and grievance retarded ... I have to negotiate this person's mind every day at this time.  Sheesh. Kid gloves. It's very real, it's very dangerous, as she hates my age group and "gender".

Do we really need this in the workplace? Seriously?  Do we?


  1. Morning James. I saw a meme somewhere the other day, headmaster telling parent: Your daughter identifies as a cat so I'm giving her an F grade since we still have a serious mouse problem.

  2. What's that old saying - spare the rod and spoil the child?
    These stupid kids have probably never felt the pain of a slap across the back of their legs.

  3. A sharp tap on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. Works for puppies, I expect equally useful on immature felines.


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