Friday 9 June 2023

A Dispatch From Fantasy Land...

To us, white supremacy is not just an armed white man with a swastika tattooed on his forehead. It is the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (called by then senator Joe Biden, who drafted the legislation, “Biden’s bill”) juxtaposed with the Anti-drug Abuse Act of 1986 – which together led to the mass incarceration of, principally, Black men.

There was something else that led to their incarceration, though, wasn't there? Like, their inability to avoid breaking those laws?

White supremacy is not just Combat 18 in combat gear: it is a homeless Black man with mental health issues being choked to death on a subway train by a white marine veteran, members of a Fox News TV audience cheering at the report, and the attitude that sees the former soldier premptively hailed a hero and bolstered with public donations of $2m towards his legal fees.

Yes, clearly, it's only OK to applaud a criminal when they are black... 

Some of the foremost proponents of white supremacy are Black and brown. For some it is so normalised that they struggle to understand a world without it. Others understand what happens to those who oppose white supremacy and are rightfully scared.

What do they have to be scared about? Not getting invited to write nonsense like this in national newspapers or hector the audience on national TV

1 comment:

  1. David Thompson's brilliant blog, 'Friday Ephemera' often shows examples of retail therapy in the land of the free. Unless the examples chosen are selective, I would suggest that it is not white supremacy in taking the word 'free ' literally.


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