Thursday 18 May 2023

It’s planting time, girls and boys

Scrobs plants nine!

Like wow:

And not just that but the comments section too!  It’s all happening over there.

Are you up to any horticultural nefariousness just now?  Have you some dastardly plan in mind?


  1. Tomatoes coming on, the proper leaves are appearing. Soon to replant them in my homemade raised beds (cardboard boxes which come with my beer deliveries). Chillies also coming up, some will stay in the mini greenhouse, others in the raised beds and on window sill. Garlic, onions and shallots planted a while ago doing well, from what I can see above ground anyway. I've ordered some second crop potatoes, nine containers and about five kilos of seed potatoes in three varieties. Some will go in the ground to clear weeds, they're great for that as the leaves starve weeds of light and the tubers take over down under. Lazy eh. I've also got a potted raspberry cane coming soon, with luck I'll have plenty growing in a few year's time. This is all rather new to me so there are bound to be failures along the way. It's all quite exciting.

    1. That’s fantastic! The only things I seem to be able to grow reliably are tomatoes and herbs.


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