Monday 3 April 2023

"It doesn’t have to result in a nanny state telling us how much to ration."

No, maybe not. Yet, somehow, it always does, doesn't it, Reader?

Ofwat chief executive, David Black, insisted the new differential charging is good for consumers and urged other water companies to follow the example set by Affinity.
He also made clear that a key aim of the scheme is to reduce water use, saying: ‘Water resources are being impacted by climate change which poses significant long-term challenges to river water health and security of water supply.
‘While charging is only one approach, companies need to use every tool at their disposal to support affordability, encourage us all to use water wisely and reduce our impact on the environment.
We want to see more companies seeking out and implementing innovative solutions.’

I want to see more companies cleaning up their own house first, before telling us how to behave while they are rifling through out pockets. 

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