Tuesday 14 March 2023

Upon which hill shall we choose to die?

Which will be the hill upon which we make our last stand?

Her name is quite a mouthful … Eva Vlaardingerbroek (member of the Dutch parliament) … and yet she may just hold the key, along with Lauren Boebert in the States and no one in the UK as yet … to starting the fightback. I’m thinking here also of the northern Irish peace train … I was over there just before that event.

First some screenshots in no particular order, then DAD, then my comments:

DAD at site NOWP (accessed from NO, top of the sidebar):

Dutch farmers are revolting. Protesters claim the Dutch government is lying about the extent of the emissions problem in order to grab privately owned land.


And so to my thoughts on all this:

1.  Divide and rule. Black v white, left v right, woman v man, deathjabbed v purebloods, Islam v Christendom, West v Russia, atheist v Christian, perversion v normal sexual relations, state v families.

2.  Manipulation plus. The enemy within is playing us like violins … any opposition infiltrated, turned hierarchical, the evil muvvers pushed to the top, end of game. From the prison planet thing to the CofE … you can be sure the person “at the top” is an evil muvver, e.g. Welby.

3.  One step too far. Whenever something threatened, e.g. Anne Marie Waters and her anti-Statism which we could all rally around, she then ruined it by bringing in pride in perversion, which not only immediately cut out the Christian conservatives but all true (small c) conservative voices, even among working men and women.  This thing is not left v right, it is sick policies v normal and the ruining of farmers is a perfect example, saying we can all eat bugs and like it.

4.  They hate us. From covid to wrong treatment in hospitals, designed to kill off the elderly and weak, the constant theme running through is arrogant hatred for ordinary people, in families, with individuals scattered about among them.  Hancock is a perfect example … these are vile former humans whose aim is to kill off any opposition to their dystopic future hell.

5.  How does Eva V come into this? The evil muvvers detest women and underestimate them, hence the destructive feminazism which plays on women’s worst characteristics and is designed to totally p*** off us men, which it has done. Then, for a joke, they start all this body mutilated males in girls’ sport. I repeat … they hate women just as much as they hate white men.

But if both men and real women can pause a moment and see this going on, refusing to be split (look at current birthrates), if men plus women can get their acts together, then someone like Eva, supported by men in the public eye, can do very real damage to the globo dystopia, while they’re not looking. Eva is vastly more of a threat because she goes under the radar, her feminine beauty distracts from the very real damage she’s doing. She’s high value in the ongoing war.

6.  Men tend to chivalry. I’m sorry but we are sexist beasts, in the sense that we will certainly support our fellow man and we do … but once one of our girls is under threat, as you see from the screen shots, the chivalry surges to the fore and men will get off their butts to go in swinging for the girl.  It’s night follows day.  Julia most likely does not need my help, being an Ambush Predator ’n all, but if someone started piling in on her, you can be sure many OoL readers would mobilise, above and beyond what we might do for our fellow man.

7.  Rinse and repeat with the paedo thing, inc. boys.

8.  There are far too many issues to tackle at once. People are self interested, we currently, in the UK, are looking at the invasion of aliens as maybe our main issue, as seen in the egregious Lineker.  But all of us, in the UK, US, Canada, the Netherlands … somewhere along the line … our far too fragmented approach must cease and we must all, internationally, swing in behind one issue only for that time frame … one issue at a time.

I’m suggesting the Dutch farmers is a winnable one, the main problem being the clotheared and thick as pig excrement Dutch themselves, who steadfastly refuse to see, much less help, the farmers by mass storming Rutte palace.  

Trouble is, we here would say … well let’s just solve this hotel alien thing first, then we’ll ……..

No, no, no, no, no.  That’s precisely how divide and rule works.  We have to have an initial, major victory first … wherever … Canadian truckers, the Dutch farmers, the French (although that was about their pensions).  It needs to be a universal issue, e.g. the food supply. 

I’m suggesting we need to decide this hill to die on, or this Rubicon.  On which particular issue will we actually move, internationally?  Lockdowns and the deathjab has been a good one. I’m suggesting the farmers should be next and lovelies like Eva V are well placed to use their assets to mobilise people.

1 comment:

  1. The CV crimes are coming out. Once there is a successful case brought somewhere in the developed world the house of cards will fall. Meanwhile we need to tell people in this country what is happening in The Netherlands and here. Reporting is zero in the British media and probably other EU countries about the drastic reduction in natural food production. That is something which will appall everyone, whatever pigeon hole they assign themselves to. We all need and love food. No more steak, no more avocados, no more chocolate! We'd have to turn away volunteers!


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