Thursday 16 March 2023

The Messiah Complex

Sorry to be an old misery guts but where have we seen this before?

My brand new movement O’Keefe Media Group will not just be me – It will include you. Let’s build this army.

You do see the slide there, do you not? No longer Veritas but now “the James O’Keefe army” … anyone remember one Nigel Farage?

Yep, however much Nige’s personal people’s army (into the valley of death rode the 29%) achieved:

… and he can shirley be allowed to claim that the Farage factor was immense … nevertheless, using a pratty slogan associated with him as Chief Marshall was always going to invite this:

… especially as his personal acolytes Annabelle Fuller and Lizzy Vaid were so visible to the UK and beyond.  Make no mistake … I voted for them and probably might again if they can first get rid of the Hamilton cabal, also people such as Evans (Carswell walked).

Nige was certainly THE  factor, make no mistake, but a series of errors did for him. One was not latching onto the Tories knowing, by 11 p.m. in the GE in South Thanet, almost exactly the final margin of defeat for Nige, when the ballot boxes were not due to be opened until around 2 a.m.

I’m not saying Nige has a Messiah complex, nor James O’Keefe but both show signs of reacting to martyrdom and resurrection in a dismaying way. It’s never just you, chaps, it’s your gatekeepers and image makers … just observe the Donald and McCarthy/Ryan/Pence.

Anyone of any note, any talent, in any field, gets the admiration and sycophancy … the question is when does one become the other? In music … remember John Fogerty and the litigation? I’m with JF there but it still happened. 

In the 60s was also Crispian St Peters (note the surname):

I disagree with Tina Turner about needing another hero … we do need one … and imho, it’s better that it be a self-effacing but determined (and maybe even a Godly) man of talent who listens and heeds, rather than one who has succumbed to the adulation and is on a personal crusade, letting everyone know, over and over, just how much he, personally, has done.

At least Crispian St Peters was not leading those kids to a kiddies’ drag show where he displays his unremarkable phallus.


  1. What O'Keefe means by including you, is that it will include your money.

  2. The problem is, Farage and all the other pseudo-right spin-offs UKIP, Reform, Respect, Heritage et al just reflect the Egos of the party leaders. None of the narcissists in charge would put up with someone else leading a unified party, so the true conservative vote stays fractured. Some would say deliberately so. But the same applies to various online personalities like O'Keefe. Andrew Tate and his "off-message" rantings have been dealt with pretty effectively.
    It's almost like there's a deliberate global campaign to silence conservative opinions online and reduce conservative power in the UK by splitting votes.


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