Friday 17 February 2023

When Is A PC Game Not A PC Game?

Answer - when it's propaganda:
A popular video game series which has an age rating of 12 has been slammed by critics after a recent update allowed for 'top surgery' scars that come from breast removal and chest binders to be added to characters.

*sighs* And of course, not one games journal has done anything but fawn over this.  

Xbox supported the changes for a more inclusive game and said alongside a heart emoji: 'Vadish, we love it!' 'Vadish' also means 'thank you' in 'Simlish,' the made-up language that 'Sims' characters use to communicate. Mashable said it was: 'an exciting addition for transgender and disabled fans.' While gaming website Kotaku praised 'The Sims 4' for reaching out to disabled Simmers.

Is there no last bastion of pure entertainment unsullied by the woke agenda? 


  1. We're supposed to pander to a tiny minority of a small minority who want us to accept their new mutilated gender because they themselves can't accept their original gender. I'm offended at that. Think I'll start up a support group for myself....

    1. You might even get a grant if you can claim an 'ism'!

  2. I think showing it as it is is a positive. Scars where you had healthy tissue removed. Emphasizing you are a mentally unwell, mutilated thing.


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