Wednesday 15 February 2023

Enforced Celebration...

A Welsh-speaking school has been put into special measures...

Discipline problems? Pupils failing to read, write, add up? 

...for letting children speak too much English.


Inspectors found many of the 331 pupils at the primary 'turn to English naturally' when chatting and were not given enough chances to 'celebrate their Welshness'.

There's an '...or else!' hanging there, isn't there? Think about what they are actually saying - they want to force the children to do something unnatural. 

Their report said: 'The quality of teaching is inconsistent.
'At times, work that is incorrect is marked as being correct and given positive comments.'

What happened to 'all must have prizes'..? Doesn't that translate well into Welsh? 

The school will be checked every four to six months and given areas to improve. Penarth consistently appears in lists of Britain's best places to live and is sought after for its seaside charm as well as its proximity to Cardiff.

I wonder how long that will continue? 

1 comment:

  1. The worrying thing is that these inspector adults are hanging around primary age pupils, in the pupils' free time, spying on them without parental consent.
    Would they do this and produce the same report if the children were of a different culture and spoke their grandparents language?
    Cwnts. Time to teach your children every cymraeg swear word and obscenity and then see the inspectors report.


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