Friday 6 January 2023

PoliceScotland welcomes Kiddy-Fiddlers

As an old man, albeit with a still-enquiring and agile mind, I wish to report to my small audience, of reading and absorbing probably the nastiest, most evil and potentially destructive statement ever emanating from any Government Agency, according to my long, long memory.

Police in Scotland have sparked outrage for describing paedophiles as “Minor-Attracted People” in a report.

Officials said the language in the year-end report was based on terminology used by the European Union.

In a year-end report, Chief Constable Iain Livingstone said police have worked on a project that’s main agenda is “to develop understanding and approach to avoid the victimisation of children by engaging Minor-Attracted People (MAPs) and providing them with the necessary support, treatment and guidance to help prevent criminal activities.”

A controversial move to label paedophiles as “Minor-Attracted People” in a top-level report has been defended by Police Scotland, with the force suggesting the EU was to blame.

Chief Constable Iain Livingstone’s annual year end report refers to child abusers as Minor-Attracted People (MAPs). The move comes amid wider concerns by campaigners over what they see as attempts to rebrand paedophilia as a harmless sexual preference.

A spokesman for the force stressed that MAPs is not a term they routinely use to describe child abusers and said that its use in the report had to be understood in context.

He explained that the reference to MAPs was in relation to the force’s engagement with the European Union‘s Horizon Europe Project – Prevention of Child Sexual Exploitation.

The report states: “The project’s main agenda is to develop understanding and approach to avoid the victimisation of children by engaging Minor-Attracted People (MAPs) and providing them with the necessary support, treatment and guidance to help prevent criminal activities.”

I would, however, gently remind my readers that this is just an extension of the thinking which the pervert-admiring Harriet Harman, MP disclosed when she, Harriet Harman, belatedly expressed ‘regret’ that a vile paedophile group was allowed to forge links with the National Council for Civil Liberties.

But she still refused to apologise over the NCCL’s extraordinary relationship with the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange, who openly demanded that the age of consent be reduced to Four years old.

I would also remind readers that the Chief Constable’s Annual Report must have been, before publication, scanned, criticised and re-written many times. And still that vile term (MAP) was allowed to remain. To this writer, it proves just one thing: the thinking behind certain senior PoliceScotland officers, very senior Police officers, was that that vile acronym should remain, because that is indeed in the future for Scotland, and that the ‘plebs’ should get used to it, because its going to happen anyway!

PoliceScotland. Bunch of Privileged, Uniformed, Pervert Enablers

1 comment:

  1. Maybe we should give them a new acronym

    Privileged, Uniformed, Pervert Enablers or PUPEs for short.


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