Monday 12 December 2022

Something stinks at Sistah Space: and it ain’t the sewers

It is really tough when a true Attention-seeker gets some of the attention she seeks, but does not really deserve; but then attracts the attention of someone who smells a really Black Rat, and then that same someone proceeds to demonstrate that the same smell which helped to demolish the totally innocent (but perhaps confused by an ethnic dress ensemble) 83 year-old Lady Hussey, is present right down the murky financial trail, inclusive of a staggeringly high increase of administrative expenses (4703% year on year increase).

A Gentleman who writes under the pseudonym of James, with a Twitter handle of @JustPikachoo; seems to have read of the seemingly concocted “Racist” conversation between Lady Hussey and Marlene Headley , a black ‘British’ woman also known as Ngozi Fulani, who was dressed in “Ethnic” style: and, quietly and without any fuss, decided to do a deep crawl through the truly complicated space which was ‘Sistah Space’s’ financial background. 

In 176, that is One Hundred & Seventy Six Tweets, our friend @JustPickachoo, lays a dynamite trail of seemingly weird and convoluted statements, and reckons that the Charity Commission should be investigating this rather weird and convoluted ‘Charity’: which seems to have inveigled Hackney Council into providing free rental space; but then went on to threaten that Council for not doing or giving more. That same ‘Charity; which has been granted a lot of cash from the London Community Foundation of £12,000.00, from the Greater London Authority of £40,000.00, and from Comic Relief of £60,000.00.

Our Tweetering friend @JustPickachoo also states that should any of the truly murky decisions and financial pathways be deleted, which is in itself totally illegal: he claims that he has already got the goodies copied out and stashed very safely. When “James @Pickachoo” finally delivers the .pdf which he has been compiling to the Charity Commission, it should prove very interesting reading!


  1. JustPickachoo is up to 247 tweets now, Grandpa. Here's his full roll from threadreader app - useful tool for long twitter threads such as this.

    1. That's a masterpiece of a Tweet, isn't it?

  2. It makes interesting reading. But sadly predictable. At an advanced age you get a feeling for different people and the feeling wasn't good with Ms Fulani or her charity. After years of experiencing the care sector, you get to know who truly cares and who is just in it for the money. Whether charities or care/support workers.


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