Sunday 4 December 2022

Forever playing catch up

This post has been rewritten and added to since yesterday.

The imagery I wanted to use was n*g**r in a woodpile but of course that's too -ist ... I was trying to describe false prophets but that's too Jesus-freak for those with psycho-blockage over Christendom, even coming up to Christmas, so it needs some other terminology to get the idea across.

What the article I was reading was saying was that the baddies watch for any revelations to accidentally go public, they then put out knowingly-wrong information, immediately accusing us of disinformation ... the aim being of course to confuse, confound and discredit before it gets off the ground.  

That takes massive organisation and a legion of false lackeys in place, all having drunk the kool-aid.  Seems totally implausible as it’s straight out of conspiracy theory 101 and yet I’ve quoted Senstor William Jenner a few times from 1954, where he said that that was exactly the case, quoting examples at the time.

Point he made was that this vast organisation was notable, not for its ideology as such … steal that which is not yours … but for the very tight, disciplined, interlocked organisation, by which they stay ahead of the unherdable cattery of conservatism, which never protects itself, forever two steps behind.

In short … the baddies have the game sewn up with any new outrage upon us … sewn up before it’s ever sprung on us … they know whom to immediately marginalise, suppress, mock, incarcerate on spurious grounds, they’ve factored any opposition in and have bought off most of it with trillions in ill-gotten wealth, largely on porn, paedo and drugs.

They ensure the average Joe or Jo has not the slightest idea about any of it ... neither about the gilets jaunes in France, the truckers in Ottawa, the millions in the streets in Brazil, the 3000 farmers driven off their farms in the Netherlands, govt sending heavy gear to topple the tractors blocking the roads … the average Joe (Jo) is oblivious.  All he’s told is what’s needed is change, change, change. The MSM is bought, lock, stock and barrel.

Anyone remotely liable to expose something, e.g. Elon with Twitter … they use that same game plan of blending into any truths he might come out with, the kookiest things he’s said, e.g. about Mars.

Similarly, in this article last evening which had actually been lifted from someone called Dr. Josh, the hatred was for someone called Stew Peters.  I immediately searched for some reference to Dr. Josh and yep ... there it was.  When I’d pointed out previously that one was Jewish and the other Christian-radical, a revamped sort of bible-belt hardliner, I was taken to task by one of our own ... yes and what's wrong with being Jewish?  Did I have a problem with that?

In strictly biblical terms, no prob at all ... there's a reference to those who call themselves Jews and who are not.  So who are this other lot who are not?  Some have called them Khazars or Ashkenazis. Ladies and gentlemen, this is quicksand, it's a minefield.  In our Julia's words ... I'm not going there (down that path).  You'd need a total grounding in the past two thousand and a bit years to make sense of it.  

But what is bleedin' obvious is that the baddies are able to identify what known dissidents and agitators such as us are going to come out with, e.g. bloodclots, e.g. many other undeniable phenomena such as young people suddenly dying ... and as the article said, they have "plants" or controlled opposition within the vanguard ready and waiting to make "highly respected" conservative noises, using detail which dazzles the masses. Controlled opposition like Ben Shapiro or anyone with a Dr. Title slapped before his name.

And they get him on the left- field nonsense, which immediately damns the whole in the public eye.

A good example was many years ago when Dr. Colin Ross exposed the psychiatric old boys network ... names like Jolyon West, Sid Gottlieb and many others ... Dr. Ewen Cameron, Dr. Selwyn Leeks ... it goes on ... and two successful prosecutions came out of it, on top of the 1973 MK Ultra trial.  Colin Ross spilled the beans in no uncertain terms, just as Elon has started to do.

Fast fwd some years when Wiki is now around and the Wiki bio of Colin Ross is now that of yet another swivel-eyed loon. In short, they did for him, which of course let the miscreants off the hook … the sandy hook.

And so to today:

According to the Telegraph, the Government has tabled an amendment to the Higher Ed Bill in the House of Lords that would significantly dilute the new protections it creates for free speech in English universities.

A free speech law designed to prevent universities from cancelling controversial speakers has been watered down, the Telegraph can reveal. The Government has made concessions to universities over new powers it had drawn up to enable academics and students to sue institutions for breaching their free speech rights.

It has tabled amendments that would require academics and students to only seek compensation in the courts as a last resort, after first pursuing complaints through the procedures of the relevant university and the higher education regulator. Claimants would also have to prove they had suffered a loss.

Similar tactics of anticipation have been going on, not unlike “Protection of Marriage” or similar guff where you were doing nothing of the kind … your aim was to wreck marriage as it had been observed since the beginnings of Christendom at least. This one is about “free speech” and is so vague, so pushed by people not believing in the least in it, many paedos and sodom and gomorrah fans, that it only needs the inevitable amendments and it’s effectively dead or toothless … “but at least we tried, eh?”

We are up against professional baddies whose tactics are eons old, fanatics having the whole gameplan at hand … and us?  We react too late.  We are “reactionaries”.  Vilified, kept right away from any part in this “commendable” free speech act … wonderful theatre, nothing to do with protecting free speech.

Get rid of the whole shower of corrupt crims?  That’s sedition, that is, even thinking of wuestioning the sovereignty of parliament over that of the people.


  1. With regard to mental illnesses, I think it is the American Psychiatric Association that maintains a register of all 'mental illnesses'. These are my layman's terms, I hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
    The point I'm trying to make is that once something is in their compendium, hand book or whatever it's called, then it's recognised throughout the medical world and the specified treatments are legitimately allowed.
    In my limited understanding, this closed shop and their policies can in theory add anything to their list and then legally 'treat' it. Isn't this the same as the Soviet psychiatrists did to justify locking up dissidents?
    I have a feeling that we are one step away from adopting this evil practice here in the UK and in Western countries in general.

  2. Off(ish) topic. The N word in the woodpile, I was told some years ago by a very bright and very elderly person that the N world referred to an odd shaped piece of wood which could bring the whole edifice tumbling down. Hence the use to which it is put, namely as something which can thwart one's plans. Can anyone confirm this please, as online research has it as an absconding unpaid worker hiding in a pile of wood. No mention of the origin which I heard.

  3. I've noticed before, the organised legions that inhabit the internet, ready to pounce. Always of the left, never of the right. Where do they come from, who organises them? They always say they are not organised, or an organisation a-la Antifa, but someone issues an order or an opinion designed to make the group act. Who are the ringleaders and who do they answer to? I well remember the disarmament movements and the "nothing to see here" rumours of Russian influence and funding. It was only decades later when the wall fell that we learned the truth that there was influence from beyond the Iron Curtain. This is the modern equivalent, to push an agenda, the stifle criticism, to lead us in a direction. For who's benefit? Not the normal folk, that's for sure.


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